5 Things You Need To Know About The Dakota Access Pipeline
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5 Things You Need To Know About The Dakota Access Pipeline

"Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize that we cannot eat money." -Native American Proverb

5 Things You Need To Know About The Dakota Access Pipeline
YES! Magazine

1. There is a newly discovered underground deposit where Montana and North Dakota meet Canada, believed to be rich with nearly 8 billion barrels of untouched oil. In a time where our country is pushing to become more independent, the Dakota Access Pipeline is intended to promote self-sufficiency in regard to oil production. The 1,172-mile pipeline would stretch from the top of North Dakota down to southern Illinois, simultaneously interrupting the livelihood of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, populated by roughly 8,000 people.

2. The "DAPL" was proposed with good economic intentions, but has recently received a lot of heat for not evaluating all other aspects of the project. The US Army Corps of Engineers approved the project and intend on going forward with the construction of the pipeline, in spite of the sacred land they will be disturbing. The pipeline will exist almost entirely underground, leaving hardly any evidence of it's existence. However, supported by the largest tribal coalition united in over 100 years, the Sioux tribe that has lived on the land for centuries refuses to allow construction to proceed, Although the pipeline may induce economic prosperity for years to come, all good things must leave some negative impact. The tribe continues to spread the message that, according to their website, "the Dakota Access threatens everything from farming and drinking water to entire ecosystems, wildlife and food sources surrounding the Missouri.”

3. Beyond the interruption of natural resources, native burial grounds and sacred monuments and artifacts will be completely destroyed amid the construction. With the population of Native Americans dwindling as the years go on, it should be held to extremely high regard that we protect what is left of their culture the best we can.

4. Native Americans are not the only ones being effected by the Dakota Access Pipeline, stretching over multiple states the nationally approved pipeline will be protected by eminent domain, which is when the government has the right to remove you and your property in exchange for financial compensation. Farmers and landowners alike will be sacrificing their livelihood under the ideology that oil production and economic prosperity are more important than actual people. Farmers will be forced to leave their property, crops, and established reputation behind. Children and families will be uprooted and asked to find another place to call home.

5. News of the pipeline and its entailing construction has erupted in the form of massive social media movements, peaceful protests, and the support of politicians and celebrities like Bernie Sanders, Susan Sarandon and Shailene Woodley. Being rightfully dubbed "water warriors", many have taken to social media to do the one thing anyone can do, whether they're standing on the reservation or in their home on the other side of the country, they have refused to remain silent, calling upon president Obama and other powerful political entities to stop the installation and reflect on the damage it will cause. Petitions are available to be signed, formal letters can be written, research can be done, and hashtags can be tweeted, #RezPectOurWater.

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