5 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

5 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More

Really, It' Good For You!

5 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More

1. It's Good For You!

Laughing has been proven to be extremely healthy for the body. It helps increase your body’s blood flow, which helps prevent against heart attacks! Laughter also releases endorphins, or your body’s happy chemicals which naturally improve your well-being.

2. It Creates an Open Mind For Thought.

Laughter helps bring us down to middle ground again. Sometimes, it takes away the sadness and allows our mind to settle down realize what is truly important in life. Whether we’re feeling up or down, laughter can help us create an open mind and open our hearts to our most spontaneous ideas and feelings.

3. It Relieves Stress.

Laughing is also known to be a major stress reliever! When laughing, our body naturally decreases stress hormones and increases our immune cells. If you laugh for a while, your muscles can relax up to 45 minutes after! Keep on laughing and wave goodbye to stress!

4. It Makes You More Attractive.

As we all know, laughter is highly contagious! Once one of us smiles and begins to laugh, so does the person next to us! Smiles and laughter naturally make others happy and want to be around you, so why not smile sometime?

5. Laughter Takes Away The Pain.

Laughter has always been known to take away any kind of negativity or pain we may be suffering at a time. Whenever we laugh, we are deterring bad thoughts from our head. By making light of a situation, we are able to bring out all the positives in a not-so-good situation. Sometimes laughing can even put a sticky or uncomfortable situation at ease. Overall, laughter gives us hope and opens our mind to happier and more positive thoughts even if it is only for a brief period of time.

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