No matter what your political status is (even if you're Republican), it’s hard to want to vote for Donald Trump. Yet somehow, against all odds, he has made his way out of the bloodbath that was the republican presidential primaries, with Ted Cruz resigning and John Kasich also retiring not long after.
For the people who are for some reason still voting for him and for the people who somehow might need insight on why you shouldn’t vote for Trump, here are five reasons why.
1. No proper political experience.
No, "The Apprentice" doesn’t count.
2. He lies. Often.
According to Politifact, only six percent of his statements were half true, while only two percent of his statements were completely true. The rest were wither mostly false, false or what Politifact calls "Pants on Fire," meaning the statement was false and also making exaggerated claims.
3. Insane propositions.
Building a wall to block Mexican immigrants? Banning Muslims from traveling to the US? I’m sorry, but I thought this was a democracy, not a dictatorship. Supporting views like this would eventually change this country for the worse.
4. Ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Birther questions involving Barack Obama's citizenship, former Supreme Court member Antonin Scalia’s death, 9/11, the list goes on—and continues to grow as he continues to forge more and more inane stories.
5. His hair.
Part of me wants to believe that hair has a mind of it’s own (if it's even real) and also is what’s causing him to make so many crazy decisions. In the meantime, we can always blow it away with a virtual trumpet.
No one should want to vote for such an authoritative figure with such controversial ideas. As a encompassing parody of America, voting for Trump would be just as crazy as wanting to vote for Kanye West as president. And no one would want to do that, right?