Ali Spagnola, also known as the best Snapchatter ever, is amazing for many reasons. She isn't afraid to be herself and doesn't filter her content if it's embarrassing. Ali posts on Snapchat, Vine, and YouTube as well. She has 2.7 million followers on twitter, 32.3k on Instagram, and 619.2k on Vine. If you want to follow her on any of these social sites, search @alispagnola! She also has a drinking game to promote her music and to help get you drinking (if you're of legal age, of course).
1. She is fitness motivation
Ali bikes nearly everywhere! She also does different hikes, dances, yoga and workout classes. Most of these events are documented through her social media as well! The amount that she is moving and working her body makes me want to be more active in my everyday life! By watching Ali, I've become more aware of what I need to do to get in better shape through my daily life activities.
2. She will send you a painting, FOR FREE!
What? Free art? YES! You can go to her website and submit a form for what you want painted by Ali. Yes, the line for paintings is huge, but it's still fun to submit a form and maybe one day open your mailbox to a painting you forgot you ordered! If you want to go up on the list and don't feel like waiting, you can donate a few bucks to bump you up.
3. Her random/ embarrassing stories are the best!
This story gets me every single time! Her shitty tour of Pittsburgh, as well as her other stories, are documented in vlogs she records in her bedroom. Just go to her YouTube channel and click Ali's Adventures! You won't regret it.
4. Being a snapchat pali will make your day, any day
"Hey snapchat pali, I'm Ali" is how most days are started. Ali likes to show us everything she does, and I mean EVERYTHING (she calls it SpagsChat). We've seen everything from eating 60 oysters on Valentine's day to dressing up as a tiger on the vegas strip.Sometimes she does simpler things like her daily bike rides (which are funnier than it sounds) and her hikes. Ali's snap story also gives us an insight to what crazy Vines and YouTube videos she has in the works.
5. Ali's One-Gal band
"I play all the instruments, loop and sing to create a full band by myself :)"
This is the description on her YouTube playlist full of the covers she makes. She's covered everything from "Beat It" by Michael Jackson to "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber. If you want to watch some funny ones I recommend "Fancy" by Iggy Azaela, "Sleazy" by Ke$ha, or Sweet Brown's, "Ain't Nobody Got Time for That" collaboration.