4 Most Important Lessons I Learned Through Ballet Training
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4 Most Important Lessons I Learned Through Ballet Training

Ballet: Art and a Lifestyle

4 Most Important Lessons I Learned Through Ballet Training
Angela Camara

Studying ballet has always been an enormous part of my life. From day one, I’ve been passionate and driven. Though ballet has its perks, the lessons you learn are through hardship and challenge. These are the four most important lessons I was taught through my thirteen years of studying ballet.

1. Discipline

Every young pupil in the studio has experienced secret conversations with the dancer next to you at barre, and every time, that pupil is called out for doing so. As the years in the studio continued, your focus and motivation to concentrate increases. The repetition and practice during class builds healthy habits, while also promoting critical thinking and self-correction. These skills you build during your technique class often do assist your judgment in the real life. Self-correction; making sure all of your duties are fulfilled to the best of your ability (putting your best foot forward). Critical thinking; assessing potential actions before executing them, much like in class, where the student would “mark” out the combination before executing the dance in front of a director or teacher. The discipline you are taught in the world of ballet is much different than the discipline you are taught in any school. Concentration and dedication can be taught at any age, through any grade in school and by any teacher, but just like with any sport, ballet requires a great deal of self-motivation and independence to fulfill the many rigorous tasks performed on a daily basis.

2. Confidence

No doubt, the ballet world is full of competition and intimidation. The tension in the air of the audition studio you can cut with a knife. Through these events, you generate a thick skin and promote your own sense of confidence and individualism. Yes, Your first New York City audition for your first summer intensive is anything but simple. However preparing yourself mentally and physically before each time you step into the audition builds that drive to be nothing but your best. Smile often, be supportive to the other dancers, and never compare yourself to another dancer. The confidence you learn from being in auditions, the confidence you build before a performance, and the confidence you absorb that radiates off of your fellow dancers helps you hold your head high and take on any challenge. Whether it be giving a speech in class, or simply reading aloud in English, the metaphorical spotlight is always on you and with the determination and assurance you learn in ballet, you will surely shine brightly with a head held high.

3. Your instructors are ALWAYS there for you

This goes out to Miss Moira, Mr. Woodard, and Miss Pat at Connecticut Dance School. These three adults have shaped me into the dancer and young woman I am today. I credit my intense motivation to be my best to Miss Moira, my passion for the arts to Mr. Woodard, and my appreciation for others to Miss Pat. These three teachers have almost been second parents to us girls, offering a hug, words of encouragement, and a comforting conversation. As you grow older in your ballet career, you begin to gain a strong sense of respect and appreciation for the people in your life who have made you so passionate and devoted to the art. The bond between student and teacher becomes more of a bond between the young girl and role model. If something happens to slip up during class or rehearsal, your instructors are never there to belittle you, but to build you stronger and prevent such mistake from happening again. These people want to see you succeed in whatever career you may choose after leaving the school. Take time to thank these important people in your life, because you may have forgotten the combination, but you will never forget the life lessons they have engraved in your mind for the rest of your life.

4. Self Respect

Certainly, the ballet world is full of competition and judgement, but throughout this, you (yet again) build a thick skin and learn to accept constructive criticism. But above all, to love yourself in your true skin, despite all of the stereotyping and ridicule commonly present in the studio. Through ballet, I have been taught to eat right, exercise daily, and to fuel my mind with positive reinforcement that I am enough, I am beautiful, and I am strong. Every dancer has their insecurities, but from surrounding myself with my fellow dancers I call my sisters, I am constantly blessed with encouragement. This here statement may be the shortest, but is the most meaningful out of all the lessons I have learned, because, without self-respect, you cannot respect your peers as they deserve and you cannot be fully confident in and out of the studio. My fellow dancers reading, no dancer is perfect, we are all human, we are all imperfectly perfect; dance for joy and freedom of expression, not to impress, but to express.

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