3 Reasons Why You Should Start Dating
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3 Reasons Why You Should Start Dating

Especially in your 20's

3 Reasons Why You Should Start Dating

In this day and age, dating isn't the easiest task around.... Especially when everyone is so wrapped up in social media and has extremely high standards, forgetting we're all human and involuntarily flawed. As hard as it may seem, dating especially in your 20's is sort of vital as a wise woman once told me. Now I'm not saying get down on one knee or start looking for a wedding dress! Simply enjoying your partner and experiencing things with one another can be fun and a learning lesson on so many levels - even in the most confusing stage of your life when, as my grandmother would put it, you are trying to decide what it is you want. A blossoming romance can help you at least get a clue what your soul truly desires from your life. Let's face it, there's nothing better than not feeling alone.

1. You find out more about yourself when you date

Some people change for the better, and unfortunately some for the worst. Either way, it's a beautiful thing when you have a special spark with someone, and it's even more beautiful when your significant other helps you discover things about yourself that you didn't even know about. This alone is beneficial to finding out the kind of person you are. There's no harm in having another person who'll support your plans and believe in your abilities while you soul search for yourself.

2. More adventures

Our twenties is the time to get out there and leave our comfort zones if we ever want to grow as people. New places and new experiences await us, and just imagine sharing that with the person you truly adore. Not only will you remember that for a long time, but you'll see a change in one another, and that will allow you both to connect and reflect. So, what are you waiting for? Go cliff diving or save up to travel somewhere...You wont regret it.

3. You just might find your soul mate

Nobody wants to be alone, and I literally mean NOBODY. Before getting into a relationship, I observed my friends and families, and to my surprise they continue to last years with their partners, simply because they endured the good and bad together. They've told me that once you truly feel something powerful, it stays and lingers for a long time, like you can't get rid of it. With my friends, as young as they may be in their twenties, they truly believe they found the love of their life. Even if you're skeptical about finding your soul mate in this day and age, think about it this way: every failure leads you to something greater. If the last person didn't work out, find another. Take chances, life is too short and our twenties are suppose to be stressful yet exciting. So go ahead, find and believe in love - you never know if the one is sitting behind you in class or is a long time friend just waiting for the opportunity.

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