3 Very Important Things "Legally Blonde" Tells Us About Relationships
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3 Very Important Things "Legally Blonde" Tells Us About Relationships

Why Elle Woods should be your new role model

3 Very Important Things "Legally Blonde" Tells Us About Relationships
Legally Blonde

Elle Woods, an iconic character from the early 2000s, was an unlikely law student to all. She was ditzy, girly, and seemingly oblivious to any serious matter that didn't involve materialistic fashion. For these same reasons, Elle may appear to be an unreliable guru about love; especially since she dropped her friends, social life, and college major just to transfer to Harvard on the East Coast. Her motive and reasoning behind it all: to chase after the man she claimed to be her soulmate, change herself into the exact girl he desired, and end up happy together with each other.

While this plan makes a girl seem desperate and delusional, it also makes for a great movie plot. But besides that point, Elle's transformation into a serious lawyer shares extremely vital advice that everyone should take heed:

"It is with passion, a courage of conviction, and a strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself." -Elle Woods, commencement speech.

1. If you want to be happy, have a strong sense of self. If you're going to be happy in a relationship, this is practically a requirement.

Elle had a distinctive style. The glamorous and signature pink prompted others to doubt her capabilities. Eventually, her long-term boyfriend had realized this as well. He began to doubt Elle and eventually broke things off. This had rocked her world because during this relationship, she allowed part of her identity to belong to Warner. Her self-worth, her identity in the social circles of her sorority Delta Nu, had increasingly become dependent on a certain, prospected engagement to Warner. When that speculation fell through, Elle had to learn to stand independently. She did so by setting a goal for law school and conquering such a task with her own individuality: her signature pink color, her charm and smile, and an intriguing video application to Harvard's admissions board.

2. People will underestimate you, but you can't let that stop you.

Elle was doubted to extremes the minute she began law school. In relationships, we are consistently meeting the same type of doubt. Our love interest's family doubts if we are "good enough" for them. We may feel that their friends doubt the same. We may feel like we might not measure up just enough to be with someone. Well, Elle wants you to know that's a load of bull. Her model shows us to set wildly passionate and determined goals, stop at nothing to reach them, and don't listen to anyone who tries to stop you. If we are keeping that strong sense of self, as mentioned above, we shouldn't need the approval and validation of others.

3. Don't change yourself, rather improve yourself.

It was a sobering truth for Elle: she had settled in her relationship with Warner. Not just settling for a guy, but settling for herself. Elle had yet to reach her full potential as she accepted Greek life, fashion, and Warner to be the pinnacle of her college experience. When she took the risk of getting Warner back, Elle's character development did not display the change in Elle. In fact, Elle has great integrity to staying true to her girly sense of self throughout the movie's progression. Elle hadn't changed. The qualities that made a great lawyer were within Elle from the very beginning. She simply needed to discover those talents by challenging herself. Elle's improvement rather than change shows us that, if we want happy and healthy relationships, we shouldn't have to change ourselves or accept feelings inadequacy. Instead, we should individually and independently strive to grow as the best versions of ourselves. The right people in our lives will encourage that in healthy ways. And if someone fails to recognize the good in you and your growth, you really shouldn't be with them.

Elle discovers her true identity, a stronger sense of self, and learns her own value. Her persistence in facing each challenge should encourage us to never settle, never give up, and to never let others do that for you.

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