When a man is truly interested in you, you won't truly have to pursue him. You see, men are built to pursue. When he is truly into you, you won't have to chase after him like he's a celebrity with hardly any time for his biggest fan. He will make you a priority.

If your man isn't doing any of these things, then walk away. If Jennifer Aniston can get over Brad Pitt, then you can get over the boy in your life that clearly doesn't deserve you. He doesn't have to do all of these things, but as long as he's doing some... you can tell he truly cares about you and strives to make your light shine a little brighter.
Therefore, don't settle for the first guy to set eyes on you. Get you a man who:
1. Saves all of your selfies and wants to take pictures with you
2. Works hard
3. Loves his Mama
4. Sings in the car with you
5. Treats you like his princess AND his homie
6. Sends you things and says "I saw this and thought of you"
7. Makes eye-contact
8. Gives you forehead kisses
9. Calls you beautiful instead of hot
10. Calls you back when you hang up on him
11. Doesn't second-guess your commitment to
12. Wants to show you off, even when you're in running shorts and an over-sized tee
13. Constantly reminds you how much he cares and is thankful for you
14. Can keep you laughing
15. Won't try to change you
16. Will follow through and keep his word
17. Doesn't make you feel the need to wonder "where is this going?"
18. Doesn't let you go to sleep upset
19. Doesn't make you chase him
20. Doesn't need numerous chances
21. Encourages you
22. Supports your dreams
23. Is selfless, not selfish
24. Has his shit together
25. Is down for you and only you
26. Looks out for what's best for yo