26 Slang Terms Millennials Should Make Hip Again
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26 Slang Terms Millennials Should Make Hip Again

If overalls, scrunchies, chokers, fringe AND vinyl can make a comeback, so can some slang.

26 Slang Terms Millennials Should Make Hip Again
Vanity Fair

Language is such an interesting thing in the way that terms surface, hit the mainstream, then slowly taper away. Even over the past few years slang terms have drastically changed. In middle school, I remember everyone running around saying "bars" in the way that we use the term "roasted" today. Sometimes different slang will live on in the hearts of those dedicated to those words but are no longer understood by most of the population.

Occasionally certain words will resurface from the depths of the English language, such as "hella" to express "extremely" or "dank" when something is good. A ot of the legendary terms are lost in time. It should be our duty as millennials to revive some of these great treasures of the American language that we have lost.

Here's 26 slang terms millennials should make hip again:

1. Hot diggity

The term "hot diggity" is used to express excitement, glee, or delight. An example is "Hot diggity, it's almost Friday!"

2. All that and a bag of chips

The phrase "All that and a bag of chips" can be used in two ways. One way is when you are talking about someone who thinks they are better than everyone else. You would say something along the lines of "Wow, I can't believe her. She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips." The other way is announce your superiority over someone else. They may express that you think you have it all, and your sarcastically witty response would be "No, I am all that AND a bag of chips!"

3. Gnarly

Gnarly is another word that has two slang meanings. This word is contradictory in itself because it can either mean "very difficult or bad" or "very good or cool." Using gnarly to describe something bad goes as followed: "Man, it looks like that was a gnarly accident." An example of it being used in the opposite way is, "Did you hear that gnarly drum break in that song?!" Deciding if the word means good or bad is fairly easy when in context.

4. Duds

This word is the slang word for clothing. When you are looking for something to do on a Friday night, you may say to your friend, "Hey, wanna hit up the mall? I need some new duds."

5. Gussied up, dressed to the nines

"Gussied up" and "dressed to the nines" goes hand-in-hand with duds. Both of these terms mean to dress up in an embellished way. You can use this phrase when you see someone dressed fancily by asking "What are you all gussied up for? A hot date?" and they may reply "Yes, I want her to think I am dressed to the nines!"

6. Floozy

A floozy is a girl or woman with a reputation of being promiscuous. While this is not an endearing term, it is a lot better than many of the words we use today. An example of this word would be to describe a flirt or a tease, by saying"That floozy has all the guys wrapped around her finger."

7. Square

To be a square is to be lame, boring, or not trendy. The most common time this term is used is in the saying "Be there or be square!" (which is completely underrated), which is talking about a party or event. It is basically saying that all the cool kids will be there, so if you are not there then you aren't cool.

8. Hot dog

A hot dog is not just a food, but it can also be used as an exclamation of excitement and enthusiasm. It can be used to in place of "yay" and "yahoo!" One sense it could be used in is after getting a test back and getting a good grade; "Hot dog! I got an A."

9. Wicked

Wicked is an expression used in place of the word "excellent." It means that something to really cool, and in context sounds like this: "Dude, that skateboard trick was wicked."

10. Talk to the hand

There are multiple variations that go along with "talk to the hand." An ending to the phrase can be "cause the face ain't listening." When someone tells you to talk to the hand, it generally means that they do not want to hear what you have to say. If they are feeling extra sassy, then they may even say "Talk to the booty cause the hand is off duty."

11. Tight

"Tight" is commonly used to imply a close bond or friendship, but in slang terms can mean cool or stylish. An example would be, "Did you hear their new album? It is so tight!"

12. Wiggin' out

To wig out is to go crazy, wild, or lose control. It simply replaces the term "freak out." You might say this in a stressful situation. During finals week, you may say to your friend "I am completely wiggin' out over this exam!"

13. What's the dilly?

This term is used in place of "what's going on?" or "what's happening?" If a friend texts you saying they have something to talk to you about, you could reply "What's the dilly?" Oftentimes people add the word "yo" to this phrase, making "dilly yo" a play on words with deal or dealio.

14. Bitchin'

"Bitchin'" can be used as an adjective, describing something that is excellent or great. If you ever need one word to describe something awesome, this is the perfect word to use. You can also use it in a sentence, saying "You look bitchin' in that new dress!"

15. Buggin'

To bug out means to panic or momentarily not act like yourself. If you are obsessed with Chipotle and your friend asks you if you want it go and you say no, their reply could be "You're buggin' out right now! Do you feel okay?"

16. Fresh

The word fresh can be used to describe something cool or great. Most people know this term from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but it originated even earlier in the '80s. If you are looking to compliment someone, "You look so fresh!" is a good way to go.

17. Rad

Rad, short for radical, can be used to replace awesome or tight. Rad, while meaning really cool, is a more subtle type of cool. It is probably one of the best compliments because of its rarity. To compliment your crush, say "Hey, I think you're rad," and you'll get a date every time.

18. Trippin'

The definition of trippin' is to overreact or get bent out of shape over something. It can include doing something irrational or stupid in a bout of anger. If someone gets unreasonably angry and is ready to fight someone, you could say "Calm down, you're tripping."

19. Scrub

A scrub has a few meanings of describing a person, including a person who is not good at something, someone who thinks they are cool but are not, or a loser who has nothing to offer. If a guy is trying to date someone way out of his league, someone may look at him and say "look at this scrub, thinking he can date her!"

20. Skeeze

Skeeze, an insulting term, is another word for sleaze. It can mean perverted or sexually promiscuous. You can call someone a skeeze if they are a player or do something to mistreat you.

21. Booyah

When you can no longer contain your excitement, "booyah!" should be the expression you use to show it. It shows a moment of joy or shows a moment of victory. You can replace your "hoorays!" with a loud "booyah!"

22. Dibs

Calling dibs on something is when you want to claim something as your own, so no one else can have it. While dibs does not always work, it is still fun to do. Against popular belief, it is not socially acceptable to call dibs on a person though. If you are sharing fries with someone and there is only one left, yell "DIBS!" and take that fry. It's rightfully yours.

23. Baby's got it going on, bangin'

If you think someone is good-looking or physically attractive, this is how you would describe your love interest to your friends. "She looked bangin' in that dress, didn't she?" "Yeah, baby's got it going on."

24. Mad

Mad is a replacement for saying really, hella, or a lot. You place "mad" before a word that describes something to emphasize the extent of the word's meaning. For example, one may say on payday "I made mad money this week! I should these hours more often."

25. Far out

Far out is a term that is associated with hippies, but everyone should have far out in their daily dialect. It is a more interesting term than "cool," which is what it means. It also can describe something wacky and unique. If someone tells you that they got a new car, your response could be "Far out! Can I get a ride?"

26. Bounce

If someone says that they have to bounce, that means that they need to leave. I am ending on this note, so that I can appropriately say, "I gotta bounce, but I'll be back next week with another article! See ya then!"

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