23. "Save Me From The Monster In My Head"- Welshly Arms | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

25 Songs To Make The Perfect Playlist For Your Anxiety.

My anxiety might be chronic, but this playlist is iconic.

25 Songs To Make The Perfect Playlist For Your Anxiety.
Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

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Happy Mental Health Awareness Month, my dudes! I wanted to make an article full of great music that articulates some of the complex feelings of being a person with any form of anxiety. I personally related to these songs, and I hope that many more do too. Even if you don't have anxiety, these songs could be for you too. We are spreading the love and awareness this month, so feel free to listen and jam out. Here is the link to the Spotify playlist, enjoy: Spotify – Web Player.

1. "You're Only Human (Second Wind)"- Billy Joel

Most relatable lyric: "'Cause all I needed was a little faith

So I could catch my breath and face the world again"

Fun Fact: Billy Joel actually wrote this song for those struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide. What an icon for singing about and normalizing mental health issues over 30 years ago.

2. "Faith"- Galantis, Dolly Parton, Mr. Probz

Most relatable lyric: "Know the road gets hard

And you just want to leave"

Sometimes the hardest part can be having faith in yourself.

3. "Things Can Only Get Better"- Howard Jones

Most relatable lyric: "And do you feel scared, I do

But I won't stop and falter"

You might not fully lose the fear or worry, but you will learn to rise above it and still accomplish what you want.

4. "Help Is On Its Way"- Little River Band

Most relatable lyric: "Does your head ever give you trouble?"

I have 99 problems, and my brain causes all of them.

5. "Breathin"- Ariana Grande

Most relatable lyric: "Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin'

How do I know if this sh*t's fabricated?

Time goes by and I can't control my mind"

This song was literally written about Grande's own experiences with anxiety- you love to see the awareness.

6. "Keeping Your Head Up"- Birdy

Most relatable lyric: "Let go of all your haunted dreams tonight"

It can be easier said than done sometimes to release the overwhelming and anxious thoughts from your mind.

7. "I'm Still Standing"- Elton John

Most relatable lyric: "Once I never could have hoped to win"

This song might be directed at someone, but I like to think of it as a big F**k You to anxiety.

8. "Brave"- Sara Bareilles

Most relatable lyric: "Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing

Bow down to the mighty

But don't run, stop holding your tongue

Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live"

I've often described anxiety as feeling trapped in certain situations so using a cage analogy is super clever.

9. "Believer"- American Authors

Most relatable lyric: "I feel my demons

Misleading me"

I just need to keep playing "I'm just a believer that things will get better" in my head at all times.

10. "On My Way"- Phil Collins

Most relatable lyric: "Not the snow, not the rain

Can change my mind

The sun will come out, wait and see"

First off, this song is a bop, and secondly we are all on a constant path to recovery.

11. "Comeback Kid"- The Band Perry

Most relatable lyric: "Don't know why bad things happened, but they did

I don't think I deserve the hurt I get, but I'm made for it"

Comebacks sure are hard but can be so worth it.

12. "Little Miss"- Sugarland

Most relatable lyric: "Yeah, sometimes ya gotta lose 'til ya win"

From personal experience, you're going to lose a LOT.

13. "Champion"- Bishop Briggs

Most relatable lyric: "Why do I crumble quickly

Stumble swiftly"

Not to sound like Freddie Mercury, but we are all champions.

14. "Innocent"- Taylor Swift

Most relatable lyric: "Time turns flame to embers

You'll have new Septembers"

Just ignore the fact that this song is about Kanye West, because some of these lyrics hit hard. Also "Clean" and "The Archer" have some great lyrics that I think can be compared to the feelings of anxiety.

15. "Don't Give Up On Me"- Andy Grammer

Most relatable lyric: "Even when I'm down to my last breath

Even when they say there's nothin' left"

This can be the song you sing to yourself in the mirror- don't give up on yourself.

16. "Shake It Out"- Florence + The Machine

Most relatable lyric: "I can never leave the past behind"

The bad moments can be haunting, but you can't go back and erase them.

17. "Fire In Me"- John Newman

Most relatable lyric: "I was a spark in the night but you drown me out

So I'll take the walls I'm inside and I'll burn them down"

Don't ever let anxiety snuff that spark out from within you, no matter what.

18. "Invincible"- Kelly Clarkson

Most relatable lyric: "I was hidin' from the world

I was so afraid, I felt so unsure"

It can be scary, but we have to venture out and take things on.

19. "Hold on Tight"- Aloe Blacc

Most relatable lyric: "Times of worry can

Get the best of us

And I understand

How you could lose your trust"

Panic attacks and fear can force us to lose trust in ourselves, but that doesn't have to be a permanent feeling.

20. "Carry On"- fun.

Most relatable lyric: "If you're lost and alone or you're sinking like a stone

Carry on

May your path be the sound of your feet upon the ground

Carry on"

Baby steps. One foot in front of the other.

21. "I Believe"- Christina Perri

Most relatable lyric: "I believe that tomorrow is stronger than yesterday

And I believe that your head is the only thing in your way"

Our biggest enemies can often be the thoughts inside our heads masquerading as monsters, when they're really just shadows.

22. "Wondering"-​ Julia Lester & Olivia Rodrigo

Most relatable lyric: "If I could go back and change the past

Be a little braver than I had

And bet against the odds

Would I still be lost?"

We all overthink, but those with more anxiety do it to another level, and this song resembles some of the thoughts that we often have.

23. "Save Me From The Monster In My Head"- Welshly Arms

Most relatable lyric: "I'm not strong enough to catch my breath

Come and save me from the monster in my head"

It's hard but try not to blame yourself when your anxiety flares in any way- it's never your fault.

24. "Waves"- Dean Lewis

Most relatable lyric: "There is a swelling storm

And I'm caught up in the middle of it all

And it takes control

Of the person that I thought I was"

You might feel like your anxiety has altered who you are and miss who you were before it, but I promise in some way, no matter how small, it has changed you for the better.

25. "Don't Freak"- The Aces

Most Relatable Lyric: "Gonna lose it, don't you dare

I can't take me anywhere, no"

For some, there can be a constant worry over losing control of yourself in public, and it can be super discouraging.

No matter what your anxiety tells you, you are strong, you are resilient, and you are able to get through anything.

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