24 Things We Learned From the First Presidential Debate
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24 Things We Learned From the First Presidential Debate

The first general election debate was eventful, to say the least.

24 Things We Learned From the First Presidential Debate

Last week, roughly one-quarter of the American population tuned into the first of three debates before Election Day. Eighty-four million pairs of eyes were fixated on our two major party candidates: Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. Who are we kidding, you know these two. Whether you love one or cannot stand either, the first presidential debate surely put the two candidates on display for all to see. In case you missed it, here are 24 things we learned from the first debate of the 2016 general election season:

1. Hillary Clinton wears one outfit and one outfit only: the boxy, uni-colored pantsuit.

No offense to you Hillary, you rock them! But at the same time, we must wonder... maybe she's hiding something... like an inner robotic shell...

2. Donald Trump had a gnarly case of the sniffles (even though he won't admit it).

Did he forget to take his allergy medication? Or maybe he just couldn't get enough of Hillary's perfume? Regardless, his nose seemed to be doing most of the talking that night.

3. And he somehow believes a "bad mic" could cause said sniffle noises.

Those pesky mics. I bet they were made in CHHInuh.

4. Hillary Clinton shimmied? (don't know if that is actually a word but I guess it is now).

Isn't she just the cutest darn thing you've ever seen?

5. Contrary to popular belief, Hillary doesn't come from money.

Yeah, her husband was the president and she the Secretary of State. But Hillary made it known (numerous times throughout the night) that her Dad was a blue-collar, drapery worker.

6. Trump cannot go 10 seconds without mentioning the following: Mexico, China, immigrants.

Trump's list of powerful words also includes "wall", "huge", "tremendous", "winning", etc.

7. Hillary seemed to have practiced more for this debate than I did for all of my COM 101 speeches... combined.

In fact, to many, her responses seemedtoo rehearsed.

8. "Donald, it's good to be with you" + Trump's awkward closed-eye smirk = one cringe-worthy moment.

9. "A very against police judge" -Donald Trump

This is what we call "word salad," my friends.

10. Directly answering the question is not something either candidate does well.

Stay on topic, people!

11. Hillary thought her nickname for Trump's economic plan, "Trumped Up Trickle Down", was a little more clever than it actually is.

You can tell by the chuckle she had after saying it, followed by crickets...

12. A "small loan" to Donald Trump is not considered a small loan by most people.

If these loans are so small, maybe he could disburse some into our bank accounts.

13. When asked about specific plans (to do pretty much anything as the potential, future POTUS), Trump somehow always avoids answering.

14. Trump believes rooting for the housing market to crash and stiffing workers in bankruptcy cases make him a smart business person, and therefore a great candidate for president.

Yeah... smart... let's get this guy in office...

15. It's 2016 and we are still arguing over the existence of climate change.

I can only imagine how Al Gore must've felt at home while watching. And Trump, you and your camp did, in fact, post a tweet proclaiming that China created global warming. See receipt below:

16. The interruptions by Trump were plentiful.

Someone needs to tell him to stop pecking at the mic so much.

17. According to fact-checkers, both candidates weren't totally truthful.

But, come on... what were you expecting?

18. Trump called out Hillary, and all other establishment politicians, on talking the talk but not always walking the walk.

19. It wouldn't have been a true Trump-Clinton debate without talks of emails and tax returns.

Idea: Trump, send a copy of your W-4 to Clinton's private server email, so we can put both of these non-issues to rest.

20. Clinton probably shouldn't be giving advice on cyber safety.

EMAILS, EMAILS, EMAILS!!! (You get it, right?)

21. Lester Holt is brave. Let's stop blaming him.

Guys, he spoke for a total of, like, 5 minutes during the entire debate.

22. You didn't even have to watch the debate live on TV. Your friends on Twitter gave you the play-by-play.

If you're not into politics, it's probably best you steer clear of social media in general during the next debate.

23. No one can agree on who actually won the debate.

CNN polls show Hillary as the clear winner, while plenty of online polls put Trump in the number one spot.

24. Regardless of how you feel about either of them, it is your duty to VOTE!

Register to vote here. Go. Now.

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