22 Of The Best New Year's Resolutions For Every Girl in Her 20's
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22 Of The Best New Year's Resolutions For Every Girl in Her 20's

You will actually want to keep these.

22 Of The Best New Year's Resolutions For Every Girl in Her 20's
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Coming into the new year, social media is flooded with everyone's resolutions to lose weight and drink more water. We all know how unrealistic and unappealing these resolutions can be. So, I decided to give you, one 20-something female to another, a list of some new year's resolutions that are not only helpful and attainable, but actually appealing. You're welcome.

1. Cut out toxic people in your life

Ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-best friends, or anyone that adds more negative than positive to your life needs to be cut off. You should be past the stage in your life where you need to hold on to unnecessary drama of the past.

2. Make time for those who matter

On the flip side, make those who are positive beings in your life a priority. Use the energy you did with the toxic people to put more effort into the healthy relationships you do have.

3. Be selfish

Put yourself first- your mind, body, soul. You're still young and there is no shame in taking care of yourself.

4. Stop settling for less than you deserve

Whether it's a new boyfriend, a new t-shirt, or your career- don't just settle. You are probably facing a lot of big decisions and while you should totally give yourself a break while making them, you absolutely should not settle just because something is easier. You deserve to have everything you want in life. Hold yourself to that.

5. Eat Ben & Jerry's at midnight

Repeat whenever you deem necessary.

6. Pet more dogs

Pet as many dogs as you possibly can.

7. Be an advocate for yourself

You're probably super awesome and not giving yourself enough credit. Only you can give yourself a voice. When someone tries to tear you down, stick up for yourself. Put an end to it. When something makes you uncomfortable, say so. Fight for your happiness, fight for yourself.

8. Do that thing you keep telling yourself you can’t do

Ice skate? Write a book? Ask that cute guy out for coffee? Apply for grad school? Be like Nike and Just. Do. It

9. Re-read your favorite books

the Harry Potter series for the 6th time? Anyone? Same.

10. Listen to your body

If you need sleep, sleep. If you need exercise, do so. Listen to what it needs. Not everyone needs the same things. Healthy looks different on each person.

11. Have some wine

Or beer. Or tequila. Or coffee. Whatever you dig, treat yo self. And don't feel bad about it.

12. Be kind

Leave an extra large tip for your waitress. Compliment someone. Smile. If you see someone needing a little kindness, give it to them- there is no shame in being kind. It makes the world go round on the rough days.

13. Gain perspective

Stop accepting that the world is what it is or that your beliefs are what is right. Question everything. Take the initiative to see the world through a different lens, maybe go out of your comfort-zone for a little while. It could change your life.

14. Save Money

If you aren't already great at managing your money, now is the time to learn. Fill up that piggy bank.

15. Let “likes” go

Stop dwelling on social media likes and facebook "friends" (aka that girl you met one time drunk in a bathroom at a party or that guy you thought was cute but never had the balls to message). If you find yourself depending on social media norms to boost your self-esteem, it might be time to minimize use and your circles. Try an app like VSCO where you can post pictures freely without the pressure of "likes".

16. Netflix and chill

With yourself, your dog, a bowl of popcorn. Or a hot tinder date. Allow yourself to just chill every once in awhile. What better way to do so than to do something you probably already do while you procrastinate...

17. Take risks

Do something that scares the shit out of you. It might turn into something great, or not, but at the very least, you'll have a cool story to tell.

18. Go see the world

Whether it is a road trip with your bestie or a mission trip across the world, get out there. You are young and capable. The world is at your fingertips.

19. Try new food

Try out one of the many recipes you've had pinned on Pinterest for months but never even thought to actually attempt, invite some friends over, and wish for the best.

20. Visit every touristy spot in your home state

There are probably a lot of beautiful places you have always kind of disregarded because they were right in your hometown. Go see them and gain a new appreciation for your home! (Hint: this includes breweries and wineries. You're welcome).

21. Find love

Identify the things that you love and make you truly happy and surround yourself with them. Identify all of the positive things about yourself and worship them-- true love begins with yourself.

22. Accept yourself

You are likely still finding who you are, and that's okay. Accept where you are at in life and embrace your flaws. This will make moving into the new year a breeze.

Time to ring in the new year with confidence and optimism. Happy New Year!

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