21 Questions For Millersville University
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21 Questions For Millersville University

These are the questions that have plagued my mind for years...

21 Questions For Millersville University
Lancaster Online

I've been at Millersville University for 3 1/2 years now, and despite how long I've been here, I still have some questions that I need answers to, such as:

1. Why can't Starbucks be on meal plan?

I mean, come on. We're only using their coffee beans to make the beverages. I'm just a little bit tired of paying almost double what I would at a regular Starbucks for the only decent cup of coffee on campus. It's ridiculous!

2. On that same note: why can't we use Starbucks gift cards?

As I just said: we use their coffee, so we should be able to use their gift cards too. What little money I do have I need for stuff like groceries or useless junk from the school store!

3. Why is MUwifi and resnetWIFI so terrible?

It's getting ridiculous now. You would think that they would have figured out that you need a stronger wifi to handle the entire student body. Also: why do I have to log on again every time I walk to a different building? UGH!

4. Why is Common Hour a thing that exists?

Whoever came up with this idea must have been dropped on their head. This is literally the worst thing ever for our campus. No one even uses it for its original intended purpose (holding club meetings), and everyone goes to the food places at the same time! It takes forever to get food now!

5. How much longer will our campus be "under construction"?

We were told about the construction plans when we moved in our freshman year, and now we're seniors about to graduate and it's still not done. This is absolutely absurd! The construction was supposed to be done 3 years ago!

6. Where did all the commuter parking spots go?

No matter how early you get to campus, you can't find a spot. When all of the dorms on the north side of campus disappeared, so did our commuter parking spots. They took all of the commuter spots over there and turned them into faculty spots. Half of our student body are commuters! And if you park in parking space that has one side in the commuter spots and one side in the faculty parking? You get a ticket! That's just dumb. #StopTheTicketQuota

7. Does the price of parking passes really need to be that high?

For a full year for on-campus residents, a parking pass costs $100. For a commuter pass for the whole year, it costs $110. If you take classes in the city (and ONLY in the city), a full year pass is $85 dollars. Why are we charging people who are already paying over $4,000 a semester more to park on campus? And why are commuters being charged more than people who already live on campus?! #WTFIsGoingOn

8. Why does everything you eat at the Upper Deck rip your insides apart within 20 minutes?

I hold firmly in the belief that they put laxatives in that food before they feed it to us... #WhyIsThisHappeningToMe

9. If you were going to take so long to start building the new dorms, couldn't you have come up with a plan to build them better?

Considering how long this construction project took to start, the dorms came up fast, but many shortcuts were taken when they were built. For example, because of the poor circulation systems in the dorms, carbon monoxide was going out of the buildings and coming right back in, causing the fire alarms to go off almost once a day. On top of that, you can hear right through the walls!

10. Can late night PLEASE be moved back to the Anchor?!

No offense to the food at the Galley (because it's some of the best food on campus), but late night is total crap there. It's the same food we get during the day and it's a full meal! When I go to late night, I'm just looking for a snack!

11. Can we have more Club D'Ville movies?

Having movies once a weekend is nice, but could we have one more a weekend? They don't even have to be new! Show us old Disney movies from the '90s and we'll be happy as Ariel when she gets a new thingamabob!

12. What is the purpose of GetInvolved?!

Half of the organizations on there have outdated information, and after they talk about the website at orientation, everyone pretty much forgets that it exists! Why not just have a directory of campus orgs and contact people available on the school website? Having a whole separate website for it is just a waste of everyone's time that we could be using to look up cat videos on YouTube...

13. Can we figure out how to work the stupid HVAC systems in all of the buildings? Pretty pretty please?!

There seem to be only two setting for the HVAC systems: ETERNAL HELLFIRE OR HYPOTHERMIA. There has to be a happy medium somewhere...

14. Can we at least have one decent coffee place on meal plan?!

We have Starbucks in the library, and now we're getting a Saxby's coffee shop in Gordinier. Can you just make a deal for one of them to be on meal plan? Cuz the coffee in the actual dining halls is crap. I need a decent cup of caffeine to deal with my day, and I don't want to have to pay extra or use my Flex or Marauder Gold to get it! GIVE ME ALL THE COFFEE! *cue maniacal laughter*

15. Where off campus can we actually use Marauder Gold?

We're told there's a list of food places off campus that will accept Marauder Gold, but when we get there, they tell us they don't take it. It makes no sense!!! I JUST WANT MY FOOD!

16. What is Brossman Hall?

Brossman Hall is essentially a house hidden in trees and the only people who see are people who are forced to walk up to Pucillo Hall. If you've never had a class in there, you would think it's just a big utility house on campus. It's technically another science building, but considering right across the walkway from it is the mega science complex that is Roddy and Caputo Halls, this building pretty much renders itself obsolete.

17. Why are there two different names attached to the library?

So the library is called the McNairy Library and Learning Forum but the sign out front also says "at Ganser Hall"... so which is it? McNairy Library and Learning Forum? Or Ganser Hall? Seriously, I'm a senior and I still don't get it.

18. Why don't the new dorms have laundry rooms on every floor?

Seriously?! Out of all the problems with the designs of the old dorms, you chose to keep one of the biggest ones in the plans for the new dorms? Poor life choice, MU.

19. Why does everything at MU and in the surrounding area close at 4 pm?

I mean, I understand that our school is smack in the middle of Amish country and that the only other people there (aside from us) are old people, but really?! We don't all go to bed at 4 in the afternoon! If you keep your businesses open, chances are: you'll make more money!

20. If we do get hit by a university vehicle on campus, will you actually pay our tuition?

I've heard this rumor since I was a freshman, but I'm pretty sure all of us poor college kids would like to know the answer... because we need to find ways to save money.

21. Why do I love this school so much?

This school make me feel at home. There's no place I'd rather have spent the last 3 1/2 years than here. I love ya, Millersville, and I'll always be proud to be a Marauder!


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