Discover The 21 Different Friends You'll Meet In Life | The Odyssey Online
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The 21 Different Friends You'll Meet In Life

Personalities that keep it interesting.


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Here you will find a list of many of the people you will come across in your life, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to give a name to all these characters that you hopefully see day to day. Don't take these friends for granted because they all add a little something to your life, and if you can't name all of them to your personal friends, chances are it might be you...

The Brutally Honest Friend:

They are going to tell you that you that dress isn't flattering or your shoes are awful even if you don't ask. They are the ones you go to for advice, and the ones you run from when you're having a bad hair day.

The Pretty One:

The unsigned model- they just never take a bad picture. Their hair always looks perfect, and you secretly want to be them but will never admit it.

The Smart One:

The smart friend is a tricky one. Some of these creatures are secretly smart and able to go out every night of the week keeping a 4.0 and a positive attitude; while some are always stressed about work and tests but end up doing well anyway. Even though they are not the first person you run to after a bad exam, the smart friend will always be an asset to you.

The Athlete:

They can never hang out because they have practice, a game, a lift, team bonding, fundraising- or they are just too tired to even go out. Either way, when you do finally get to hang with The Athlete, you know you are in for a good time.

The Patriotic Friend:

They always have an American Flag around- on their shirt, in their car, wallet, you name it they have it. They listen to country music and are always up for a debate.

The Singer:

Basically, the rest of us are just waiting for this friend's mixtape to hit iTunes and become a hit, because when we are all in the car singing they always seem to steal the show.

The Dancer:

For some reason, when you go out, this friend always has moves that you remind you why you should stick to the occasional head bob.

The Dramatic One:

Everything is always blown up and out of proportion with this friend. Sometimes you aren't in the mood to put up with the drama, but you know when your boyfriend is acting crazy and you need validation this friend will have your back.

The Gossip Girl:

Always stirring something up. Doesn't matter the day. At least she keeps things interesting. Right?

The Party Animal:

On a Friday night after a long week, you know exactly who you can call for a good night out.

The Drinker:

Now, it is important to remember you love this friend even while you're dragging them back to their room at the end of the night. When you want another round, you always know who to look for.

The Quiet One:

You know what they say, silent but deadly. The quiet friend can sometimes be underestimated because even though they don't say much, they see everything. So be smart with this friend.

The Mom

The Mom of the group is usually easy to spot. She is the one calling for the cab, or taking your friends to the bathroom to make sure they don't fall in. She's fun enough to go out, but smart enough to always be on alert and ready to react.

The Snap Chatter

A classic. This person's snap chat story is filled with pictures, videos, filters and geo-tags. If you want to see a step by step run through of the night, just check out their story and see how it went, because it's basically a movie trailer for the evening and you know they captured every important event from the perfect angle.

The Insta Obsessed:

You know them, you love them. This friend is constantly posting pictures on Instagram of their Starbucks grande iced caramel macchiato, or salad, or cat, or toes in the sand. They ignore the unspoken rules about putting up two instas in one day, and are confident enough to post at any hour.

The Tweeter:

They tweet every passing emotion and thought. If you're mom doesn't have a twitter account, then why are you tweeting: "Happy Birthday Mom"? When you scroll through this person's page its basically a diary of feelings, thoughts, daily activities, threads of "meaningful" rap lyrics, or worse: their political opinions.

The Dog Lover:

Most people like dogs, but the dog lover is another easy one to spot. They are always making snap stories of their dog or random people's pets, and when they come over you question whether they're there for you or your pup.

The Gym Rat:

They live in the weight room. They can be seen wearing muscle tees, roshes and elite socks. They hate CrossFit and live and die by the bench and rack. Do you even lift, bro?

The Sarcastic One:

Always have a quick witted and snide remark to mostly anything you say. As cynical as they seem you can't help but laugh at this friends attitude.

The Couple:

The Couple in your friend group can just be called one person at this point. They are always together, if you invite one you invite the other, and you already expect that you have to put up with the excessive PDA that night.

The Best Friend:

You only get a few of these that embody a little something from each of the other friends you have. They are smart enough for good and honest advice, but crazy enough to go out and have a good time with. These are the ones you keep close.

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1. "If I'm wearing black tomorrow, it's because I'm mourning my grade."

2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

5. "Why are you online shopping?"

"I want to motivate myself to study."

"Since when do you have money to buy something anyway?"

6. "I wonder how much I could make as a stripper."

7. "There are no stress relief dogs, and I feel conned. My stress today is worse than yesterday."

8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

9. "I wore these clothes yesterday, and maybe even the day before, but it's fine."

10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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