21 Stupid Fights All Couples Have Had
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21 Fights That Every Couple Who's Been Dating FOREVER Has Had

Give it 10 minutes. We'll make up.


While every couple who've been dating for awhile have had their fair share of real fights over real issues, couples who have been dating for literally ever continue to have fights over just about everything. Whether it's to be funny, to be petty, or because you've spent way too much time with your significant other and everything they do is starting to drive you crazy, all long-term couples have been there.

We've all experienced these 21 completely nonsensical but very real in the moment fights:

Watching an episode of a show you've been binging together without your partner

They might as well have cheated on you with this level of betrayal.

Your partner not being able to guess where you actually want to eat when you say "you don't care"

Your partner isn't a mind reader? Unacceptable. But really, you always eat at the same three restaurants. Can it really be that hard to guess?

Your partner liking someone of the opposite sex's social media posts

... it's petty but we've all been there.

Sharing a bowl of popcorn at the movie's and your partner eating way more than their fair share

We learned in kindergarten that sharing means 50/50. Not your partner eating 85 percent and leaving you with the other 15 percent. Seriously, who even raised you?

Losing to your partner in a board game

Whether or not they actually played by the rules is out of the question. The fact that they beat you means they were absolutely cheating.

Your partner ripping a nasty fart in the same room as you

Farting in front of each other is a huge relationship milestone. But letting the nastiest smelling fart go within an enclosed space is completely unacceptable.

If the toilet paper roll goes under or over

Some people just lack common sense with this one...

The temperature of the room while you're sleeping

It's not that hard to compromise on this one. And by compromise I mean we're keeping the room at 50 degrees and if that's an issue you can sleep in your winter coat.

Whose phone is "more dead" and gets to use the only readily available charger first

Because walking into another room of the house to get another charger would absolutely be way too much work to fathom.

The bathroom being too hot and steamy after your partner gets out of the shower

I know that warm showers are unbeatable but I also didn't ask for a personal sauna in our house.

Your partner cheating on you in their dream

They are definitely 100 percent innocent but cheating on me at all is unacceptable. Expect the silent treatment for at least the next two hours. And they better block the person that they "cheated" on you with on social media as well. You can never be too safe.

Who the dog likes more

Pretty sure this is why the majority of divorces occur...

If the directions your partner is giving while you're driving are accurate or not

I mean, Siri is literally telling me exactly where to go but, yep, you must be right.

Turtle shells in Mario Kart

Enough said.

The perfect proportions of milk to coffee when preparing breakfast for your partner

Put one too many tablespoons of milk in and that's it: World War III and a week of sleeping on the couch.

Skipping a song that your partner loves but you hate without asking first

Heaven forbid them just looking up the song on Spotify on their own time when you don't have to suffer through it as well...

The way that they pack their half of the suitcase before vacation

Things need to be folded a certain way, organized by day, and absolutely nothing of theirs is allowed onto your side.

Your partner finishing off the bag of chips that you were saving for yourself but didn't mention you were saving

Again, they're not a mind reader? Thank you, next.

Who lost the remote

Yes, because I definitely lost the remote while I was watching ESPN.

Your partner's call dropping while on the phone with you

I know that it wasn't your fault but how dare you hang up on me!

Fighting just because you're bored and haven't fought with each other in awhile

Our hobbies as a couple consist of the following: cuddling, Netflixing, and fighting with each other for absolutely any reason we can think of.

Give it 10 minutes. We'll make up.

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