20 Life Lessons I Learned By 20
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20 Life Lessons I Learned By 20

It's a good life.

20 Life Lessons I Learned By 20

I turned 20 just a few days ago, and it's scary to think that I am now as many years away from being 30 as when I was 10. Throughout my time on this lovely yet sometimes scary planet, I have learned a thing or 20, so here they are.

1. Time heals all wounds.

I believe this holds true for all things. Whether you are experiencing heartbreak or (at the moment) life shattering news, if you give yourself time you will heal. Your heart will mend, and you will see things from a different perspective. Sometimes it's important to back up from a situation for a little while and then look at it.

2. Mom is always right.

Always. Whether she is talking about you needing to take your medicine or how you shouldn't go to sleep with your hair wet ,she knows what she is talking about. I can spend a good 30 minutes looking for something, but when my mom looks she finds it before I even asked for her help. It's a mom thing.

3. Take a lot of pictures.

This one may not be something a lot of people agree with. Some people say things like, "Get off your phone" or, "This generation only cares about uploading stuff to social media." But truly, I love taking pictures. I have been doing it for as long as I remember. If you know me, you know I have my phone out taking pictures; it's just who I am. Whether it's of people or places, and I will never stop because the joy I get from looking back at moments that I captured is something I truly value. There's nothing like scrolling through albums of memories that your actual mind could've forgotten about.

4. Leadership is a service.

It is a service to others. Leadership should never be solely about yourself. If you are investing in something that makes you grow as a leader, then awesome. But if you're putting your time into some sort of leadership position or organization, it is about the good of others. It is about bettering the world around you, and the people. You get no recognition, and that is OK.

5. Not everyone has to like you.

Something that I think a lot of people struggle with is trying to be liked. It's the classic "cool kids" story. You become something you're not just to impress people who don't actually care about who you truly are. I still struggle with recognizing that it's OK for not everyone to like me, and I have to remind myself. Remind yourself that no matter how much you try, there is always going to be someone who may not like everything about you, but that shouldn't make you any less valuable.

6. Pursue what you love.

No matter what it is, invest every ounce of who you are into what you love. Whether it is traveling, photography or a career. Pursue it. Passionately, give it your all.

7. Introduce yourself.

Don't be afraid to make the first move in friendships. If you see someone and you're like, "Oh, that person looks nice," then walk up to them and introduce yourself. Make friends. Don't wait for others to come to you, because relying on others will fail you. It's like people say, if you want something done, do it yourself.

8. God is good.

My mom told me a few days ago, "I am going to fail you. Your sister and your brother are going to fail you. Everyone will fail you or disappoint you somehow or at some point. Even you are going to fail yourself. But God, He will never fail you. He is good and He loves you." He wants the best for us, and His love is unwavering. Relentless. He will never put you through something He doesn't know you can handle.

9. Dogs are good.

God spelled backwards is dog ... coincidence? I think not. Dogs are the greatest of all things on this planet. They are innately good. They make your life better, like, literally. I can't even look at my sister's dog without wanting to cuddle her for the rest of my life. Dogs are what keep me going, let's be real.

10. Happiness is subjective.

You are allowed to do things that you enjoy doing. Whether it's yoga, drawing, reading or hiking. But what makes you happy may not be what makes someone else happy. You can't push people to change, and their interests are allowed to be different. That is not to say that you shouldn't introduce things you love to other people in fear that it won't make them as happy, but you should be considerate to the fact that we can get our happiness elsewhere.

11. Make every second count.

This one is a little overwhelming if taken seriously. Make the most out of your time here on Earth. We aren't guaranteed a tomorrow so live for today. Make it all count.

12. Friends are about quality, not quantity.

You don't need 1,000 friends who are only going to be there when it is convenient for them. You need five friends who are there for you even if it is inconvenient for them. Good friends come in very small numbers, and that shouldn't scare you. Value and put effort into the friendships that matter.

13. Drink water.

I know we need water to survive, but if you struggle with drinking as much as you should you should make it fun. For example, buy cute water bottles. Or make goals for how much you need to drink throughout the day. Water has scientifically proven benefits, and it should be more than just for your survival.

14. Lay in the grass.

I wish I took more time to do this. But when I do, I feel instantly less anxious and happier. If you just lay out a sheet or blanket and stare up at the sky, you will be reminded of just how small we are in the large scheme of things.

15. Respect people's differences.

People are totally different. Whether it is where they were born, how they were raised, what color they are, what their favorite food is or their religious beliefs. Or their political views, their cheese preference, their sleep schedule or their hobbies. A part of what makes us humans is that we are all so unlike each other. But it's what makes us love one another. Some of these things matter and some of them don't, but regardless, respect it.

16. Spend time with the people you love.

When I initially left for college, I bawled my eyes out for the first few nights. I even remember writing in my journal, "I wish I would've spent more time with my mom and sister" even though I had already spent 18 years living so near their presence. Whether it was living in the same house or just constantly being with each other, I loved spending time with my family. I would even miss out on hanging with friends, because I'd rather be on my couch watching a movie with my mom. And this is just because I love spending time with my family. Value the time you have with those you care about, because you don't know what could happen tomorrow.

17. Take care of yourself.

Take care of all aspects of your health. Your mental, physical, emotional health. Drink water, eat your veggies. Go to the doctor, sleep a lot, go for a jog or give a hug. Bathe yourself, love and care about yourself. You were made with a purpose, but you can't fulfill that until you are taken care of.

18. Watch a good '80s movie if you're stressed.

OK, this may definitely just be me, but who doesn't love a good '80s movie? My all time favorites are any that were directed by John Hughes. They all have just the right amount of corniness to them.

19. Remind people that you love them.

People forget that they are loved. Remind them.

20. Forgive others.

My favorite. I refuse to hold grudges on people because it's actually impossible for me. I tend to forgive people almost right away. I never understand when people remain angry at someone for a long time because it requires so much wasted energy. Forgive people. This doesn't mean that you have to forget what they did or what happened, but we could all use a little more happy vibes in this world. No one is perfect, and mistakes are made. Say that it's OK, because as I said in number one, one day it will be.

At the end of the day, love yourself and others and a good life will lie ahead.


A 20-year-old trapped in a 12-year-old body.

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