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19 Things I Wish It Hadn't Taken Me 19 Years To Learn

#4 is something we all should always remember.

19 Things I Wish It Hadn't Taken Me 19 Years To Learn

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Life happens fast. It always seems like there's so much happening to us and it's very easy to get overwhelmed in certain situations that we aren't sure how to handle. I wish I had known these 19 things to be true BEFORE I had to go 19 years without them. It might have saved me A LOT of stress.

Never drive in ugly underwear.

I am serious.

Popular music isn't always good music.

Don't be afraid to listen to what you like just because it's a little different.

Boys in Hawaiian shirts almost NEVER have good intentions.

Having a few great friends is better than having lots of mediocre ones.

Quality > quantity.

Just go. You'll make your money back but you'll never have this time again.

There are VERY few things that 2 hours in a coffee shop with a great friend can't fix.

Waiting until last minute to do your homework or studying will likely only result in you never doing your homework or studying.

Just go get it done. You'll be glad you did.

Sometimes doors close for a reason. Don't try to pry it back open.

Get a hammer and nails and make sure that sucker never opens for you again.

Everyday when you get dressed remember that if you die today those will be your ghost clothes forever. Do you want these to be your ghost clothes forever?

My point is that you should always at least make an effort to look decent. You never know who you'll run into.

Try to write down things you don't want to forget.

I wish I would've done this sooner. Whenever anyone says something funny or memorable, write it down. Keep a list in your notes on your phone even. You'll be glad you did later on when you're sad.

Sometimes there's literally nothing you can do.

You can't control other people. Their mistakes are their's and they have every right to make them and you're just going to have to be okay with that.

No one actually cares if you don't Instagram your vacation.

Don't deprive yourself of good foods. Eat what you want. Everything is okay in moderation.

Buy. A. Planner.

And actually USE said planner.

Spend your money on things you will actually use. You don't need 12 different shirts that all look exactly the same.

Buy candles instead. Or food. Or save your money. @ me.

Trends really are JUST TRENDS.

They aren't even relevant anymore within like 3 months. Do not waste your money.

Sometimes all you need is a day off.

Lay in bed and watch your favorite shows. Drink some tea and take a bath. Everything is not that serious. Relax.

You most likely won't be the same person in two years. Chill out.

Life changes so quickly. Don't get too comfortable. Or too uncomfortable.

Live this life that you have and stop being so worried about if you're doing it right. No one really knows what they're doing anyway.

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