By the time you turn 18, you've been through a fair share of experiences. With any experience, even if it's hidden beneath the surface, comes a good ole lesson. Here's 18 things that I've learned in my first 18 years on Earth:
1. You never know what other people are going through.
Always be nice to people. So your waitress takes a few extra minutes to bring your drinks to the table. Don't treat her like that's all she'll ever be, or like she's terrible at her job. Maybe she lost her best friend the night before..okay so that's a bit extreme, but you never know. We don't know what other people deal with behind closed doors, so the best thing we can do is be nice to one another.
2. Respect your Mom.
Your mom is most likely your biggest fan. She will be there through the good times and the bad times. Wiping your butt when you're young, and wiping your tears as you grow older. Treat her with respect. Love her. Spend time with her, and cherish her.
3. Home isn't a place.
Home really isn't a place. This is something I only just recently learned after packing away my entire room and moving to college. Home is the people you love. When my family comes to Dearborn, Dearborn is home. When I visit my friends at college, their college becomes my home. That saying, "home is where the heart is," that's not a joke.
4. People are going to hurt you.
Whether it's the boy you're dating or the girl you thought was your best friend. The boy will break your heart. You'll spend years with him in high school and then one day it just won't work anymore. You'll be a wreck for awhile and you'll eat a lot of Oreos. When the girl you thought was your best friend decides to completely betray you, you'll hurt, but you'll get up. You will put a fake smile on for a few days. You'll miss her for a few months, and eventually you'll be just fine.
Social media was not created to bash people. If you have a problem with someone, grow a pair, and take it directly to them. Constantly subtweeting people makes you look immature and pathetic.
6. Change is inevitable. Embrace it.
This is something I've always struggled with. When I'm really happy I don't want things to change...I mean, who would?! Change is something that we have no control over. Instead of dwelling in the past it's important to focus on the positives that come with change. It can be tough, but focusing on how things were makes you miss out on how things are.
7. Don't rush to grow up.
Growing up is great, but don't rush it. It flies by quicker than you could ever imagine. Yeah, that prom dress is pretty, and yeah you can't wait to be a senior, but embrace being young. Once you cross the stage, there's no going back. One day you'll be sitting alone in a dorm surrounded by complete strangers in a new city, and you'll wonder what the rush was.
8. It's okay to be sad.
Eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a row of Oreo's is totally okay when you can't seem to pull yourself out of bed. Listen to some Taylor Swift and cry. You're human.
9. Life is about balance.
Don't feel terrible about yourself because you ate a cheeseburger or the Ben and Jerry's. Eat a salad the next day.
10. Water is the key to life.
Drinking water will boost your energy. You'll sleep better. Your acne will improve. Put down the pop!
11. Go out. Or stay in. Again, it's about balance.
Going to a party on a Friday night after the football game with your friends doesn't make you the devil, staying in and watching old Disney movies with your family doesn't make you a saint. Make sure you find a balance. You don't need to be drunk every weekend to enjoy high school or to fit in, but going out is good for the soul.
12. Take TONS of pictures.
Snap as many pictures as you can. With your friends and family, of your friends and family, of your dog, your surroundings, you name it. Everything is only a certain way for one moment. You'll look back and be so grateful you captured such great memories.
13. However, don't live in your phone.
Appreciate the things that are happening around you, take them in. Limit your scrolling. Stop checking to see if he viewed your snap. Stop buying likes on Instagram. Your fingers will ache, and you'll miss out on some great times.
14. Apologize when you should.
Don't be stubborn. If you messed up, fess up. Say you're sorry, and move forward.
15. Set your goals and expectations high.
If someone tells you they think you're incapable of reaching them, raise them. You can do anything.
16. If you're given the chance to make someone's day, take it.
Take your coworker a birthday cake on her birthday when she's stuck in the hospital. Hold the door for the people behind you. Smile at the stranger on the street. Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness can have the greatest effects on people.
17. Travel and try new things.
If you're given any opportunity to go somewhere new, go. Always go. Drive if you can, drive through cities and small towns. Expand your knowledge.
18. Always keep an open mind.
Don't judge the boy that came out to you in sixth grade. Don't hate someone because of who they love, how they love, their gender, their skin color, or their religion. We were all created by the same creator, and we all have a beating in our chest, and oxygen pumping through our lungs. Equality is brutal.