Most people feel a sense of emptiness when they leave for college. Family and friends are far away and they are left to meet new people. Having a new roommate can be hard but if you're lucky they become your family. These are 15 things I know to be true with my roommate family.
1. They cheer you up when you're feeling down.
Sometimes life can be crappy but you can always count on your roommates to turn that frown upside down.
2. They embrace your awkwardness.
If you're anything like me, you're probably really awkward and people don't really know how to handle it. Luckily for me, my roommates not only accept it they embrace it!!
3. Nothing makes you uncomfortable.
You reach a point when nothing is uncomfortable anymore. You can ask each other anything and everything.
4. You have deep conversations.
We all need someone we can vent to when times are tough. If you're lucky, your roommate will be your person.
5. You break into song around each other.
You know you are close when you just belt out your favorite songs without a care in the world.
6. They're your cheerleader.
If something bad happens they are on the sidelines to cheer you on. If something good happens they are the loudest one cheering. No matter what they support you!
7. You do stupid things together.
We all have dumb ideas. You know you hit the jackpot when your roommates go along with the idea no matter how stupid.
8. You can read each other's mind.
Somehow you always know what the other is thinking. It's this magic power that you have mastered.
9. You're super protective.
If someone hurts your roommate it just got real. You will do anything to protect them from getting hurt.
10. You feel like a part of you is missing when they're gone.
When your roommate goes home for the weekend you feel empty inside. You are two peas in a pod and you can't live without them.
11. You do random photoshoots.
You find yourself taking "family photos" because why not?
12. Their drama is your drama.
Their drama becomes yours. Friend drama, family drama, school drama, you name it! You have been through it all together.
13. You're losers together.
You kind of gave up on finding new friends and spend all of your time together doing weird shit.
14. They get on your nerves.
You know you've become close when you get on each other's nerves. Sometimes you just wanna kill them!
15. You couldn't live without them.
In the end, no matter what happens you wouldn't change a thing! You are glued at the hip and everything you do has become a team effort. You don't know how you could live without them.
This one goes out to all the wonderful roommates out there. Without you, college would be impossible