15 Productive Things to Do Over Winter Break
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15 Productive Things to Do Over Winter Break

Instead of watching Netflix.

15 Productive Things to Do Over Winter Break
Huff Post

Now that finals are finished, I’m sure that we all just want to camp out in our beds and watch Netflix forever under a gazillion blankets. Although this may seem like an incredibly attractive idea, you can’t hide and veg for an entire month. Imagine how challenging school is going to be once you return mid-January. Here are 15 things to do over break to keep your mind and body busy so school won’t be a complete shock when this much needed break ends.

1. Make it a point to workout once a day.

Working out is proven to lighten any mood, and overall improve quality of life. You will feel so much better the rest of the day if you go for a quick run in the morning, or hit the gym for a stress relieving lifting sesh. Not an early bird? An evening run or weight lifting extravaganza can be just as cleansing.

2. Deep clean your room.

As Danny Tanner once said, a clean house is a happy house! Clean all the nooks and crannies in your room from dirty laundry all the way to the dust bunnies under your bed. A cleaner room will make your bedtime ritual much more relaxing.

3. Sort through the clothes in your closet that you never wear, and donate pieces to Goodwill or Salvation Army.

If you’re never wearing them, why waste the space? You’ll be much more delighted with a clutter free closet, and so will the people who buy your super trendy clothes for a discounted price.

4. Clean out the pantry and plan your meals.

During the school year it’s difficult to take the time to plan meals. Everything is quick and on-the-go. Over break, try and grocery shop according to your specific meal plan. Clean out your pantry completely of toxic junk foods! Try eating at the same times each day, and focusing on what you’re feeding your body. If the junk food isn’t in your house and it’s not on your meal plan schedule for the day, you probably won’t eat it.

5. Engage in yoga or mediation at least twice a week.

I can’t stress the importance of good mental health enough. No matter how busy you are, please take time to roll out your mat and practice yoga or meditation. After nonstop work and school, your body really needs the time for self-reflection and praise.

6. Sit down and write a list of things and people you are grateful for.

Thanksgiving isn’t the only day you should be thankful for your blessings. Sit down and write a well thought-out list.

7. Finish your holiday shopping.

Wouldn’t you want to have everything wrapped and under the tree instead of waiting until the last minute? What about those horrendous lines at the mall? Get it all done now, so you don’t have to worry about all the hustle and bustle that the holidays bring.

8. Call an old friend and invite them out for coffee or a meal.

Touch base with that good friend of yours from elementary school, what’s the worst that could happen? They dodge your calls or blow you off? Reach out to them and invite them out to see how they’re doing.

9. Update your resume.

This is the absolute best time of year to update your resume and hunt for a new job! Clean up your documents and apply to some jobs, employers need applicants now more than ever.

10. Put time and thought into your New Year’s Resolution list.

No matter how many people criticize the “new year, new me” comments, stick with your resolutions list! It’s always beneficial to have goals. It gives us hope and purpose. Don’t let anyone tell you that making a resolution list is stupid because it definitely is not!

11. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, or homeless facility.

If you’re ever going to volunteer, it might as well be now when you’re free and organizations need your help the most.

12. Plan next semester’s schedule.

Between school, work, and exercising, make sure to plan out your schedule for next semester. Make sure to touch on when your classes are, what your availability for work is, and when you’ll be available to exercise. Planning these things in advance makes the transition a hell of a lot more manageable once the new semester rolls around.

13. Bake holiday Pinterest treats for your family and friends.

All we do is save, save, save and never do, do, do! All those pins you’ve been saving, put them to use! Try out those funky holiday recipes and surprise your family and friends. They definitely won’t hate you for it.

14. Schedule essential appointments.

We all hate doing it, but it’s a necessary part of life. Schedule all the necessary appointments while you have the time, whether it’s a trip to the vet, doctor, or dentist. Just get them done!

15. Catch up on sleep!!

This one doesn’t even need an explanation. Do yourself a favor and catch up on those z’s.
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