15 Gifts Every College Student Wants This Christmas
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15 Gifts Every College Student Wants This Christmas

You can thank me later.

15 Gifts Every College Student Wants This Christmas

Who says Christmas presents are just for little kids? College Students are in desperate need of some holiday happiness to offset the ridiculous load of stress that is pinned onto us every single day. Here are 15 ideas for that special college student in your life that will undeniably make them happy this holiday season! (Mom and Dad, Take notes.)

1. Starbucks

I think this gift is very self-explanatory. In college, there seem to be countless nights where we stay up cramming for an Anatomy exam or finishing a project due the next day. It is a MUCH need item for the rest of the upcoming term.

2. Netflix gift card

$10 a month? On a college budget? Ehhh.....No thanks! This would be the perfect gift idea because when college students are not studying, they are watching Netflix. There is more than enough Orange is the New Black, Friends, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad to keep us busy after our school work is finished. This gift will not go to waste!

3. Noise Cancelling Headphones

I think it is safe to say that college is not the quietest place ever. Between the banging and thumping upstairs and the endless noise in the hallway, it can be very hard to concentrate. Noise cancelling headphones will help eliminate all that noise to make sure you can focus on your studying for tomorrow's Psych midterm.

4. Phone/Laptop Case

Our devices are practically glued onto us, but that means going through the wear and tear of everyday college life. Protection is key in college especially since our entire lives live within our phones and laptops. Many cases that are very protective are also super fashionable! You are sure to find one that speaks to your college student's taste.

5. Planner

We get assigned different things every single day and being able to pull out a planner keeps everything organized. English presentation? Check! Political Science essay? Check! It is sure to keep your college student organized and on task.

6. Clothes (preferably socks.)

Sure, we hated getting clothes when we were younger. Now, it is a blessing in disguise. I can not tell you how many times I have lost a good pair of socks or one of my favorite t-shirts doing laundry in the communal laundry rooms.

7. Portable charger

This is the worst, especially when you need your phone for everything. It is not very practical to hit up every outlet you see because your phone is constantly dying throughout the day. Portable chargers make it easy for students to charge their phone while accomplishing other tasks. They could be eating at the dining hall, in a lecture class, or walking home, and their phone would be charging the entire time. Talk about successful multitasking!

8. Sick Kit

If you are into more DIY projects, this could be a perfect gift idea for you! College is the place where bacteria and viruses are spread faster than wildfire. It is almost a guarantee that students get sick at least once within their school year. A sick kit is a handy thing to have when you feel like dying. This can include medicine, tissues, tea, crackers, soup, and possibly a container of Clorox wipes.

9. Alarm clock

Ok. It does not need to be as extreme as the one above, but it needs to get an exhausted, sleep deprived college student out of bed for an A.M. class. The worst thing in the world is either being late to class or missing class because your alarm clock isn't effective enough.

10. Posters/Pictures

Again... Self explanatory. It helps when family members provide you with sentimental pictures, signs, quotes, or posters to hang on your wall. It also helps add color to the awful prison walls of the dorm. Also, I like the fact that I have something to remember home by when I look at my wall.

11. Food

Just more calories to add the Freshmen 15... But who can say no to food? Everyone loves food!

12. Fragrance (Perfume/Cologne)

You know...to mask the scent of the 24-hour study session. It happens occasionally where a shower may not in the day's agenda. Being able to quickly smell fresh, clean, and alive is a necessity.

13. College Apparel

We can never get enough college apparel in our closets. No matter how much we have, we will always accept more. We have to represent our school somehow!

14. Backpack

I'll be honest, we have a lot of crap we need to lug around all day. It's hard to get through the day without nearly breaking our back. This is an ideal gift idea for college students because backpacks are an everyday item and we use them a lot!

15. Laundry Essentials

Laundry is a completely foreign subject to many young adults entering college. Growing up, mom always did our laundry and now we are responsible for doing it ourselves. This gift idea is foolproof even if your college student may not be. Maybe add an instructions sheet for first-time laundry novices!

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