14 Perks Of Living With Your Best Friends | The Odyssey Online
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14 Perks Of Living With Your Best Friends

"You're my right hand, you're my go to. Told me everything about you."

14 Perks Of Living With Your Best Friends

What's better than living with your best friends? (Oh, right, nothing is.)

Having the opportunity to live with your best friends is, no doubt, one of the greatest things college has to offer. I mean, how often will you get the chance to have month-long sleepovers? But, like Beyoncé says, “There are ups and downs in this love.” However, knowing that someone has your back at all times, puts up with your shit, and is almost always down for a good time is worth the the downs (which are surprisingly few and far between).

1. Personal space? What's personal space?

Sorry, I just really enjoy cuddling. (JK, I'm not even sorry)

From the moment you wake up, until the time you go to sleep you can almost always guarantee that we are together.

2. Being alone becomes a hardship.

When you hear the door open after a long day of classes, it doesn't matter how tired you are, you start start screaming about the kid that sat next to you in class, how terrible your test was, and what you want for dinner.

3. You get way too excited when she comes back from class.

It's like she's been gone for months--which is funny, because you haven't stopped talking to her since she left that morning. Reuniting with her is basically like a scene from "The Notebook," minus the kissing.

4. You probably text and Snapchat her through every single class.

Well at least when you both fail your class, you can spend the extra years at college together.

5. You think its totally normal to FaceTime her from the room over.

This usually happens at least twice a week because FaceTime > iMessage. Usually, the conversations are brief because one of you ends up getting up and coming into the other person's room.

6. It's ALWAYS a judgement-free zone.

There is no such thing as TMI. **Especially when you're recapping going out the night before.**

7. You know everything about her.

You know every detail about her life from the time she was six months old, up to the present. She's even told you about the time her best friend's boyfriend's sister spilled wine on her at the family Christmas party five years ago. Sometimes, people even comment on your extensive knowledge of each other.

8. She becomes your mom, your therapist, your mentor, and your life coach.

You didn't even know it was possible to play all those roles but you're so so grateful that she can.

9. You can predict exactly what they're going to do before they even do it.

You know exactly how your night's going to go down, what she's going to eat for lunch, and how she's going to respond to the five A.M. text from that boy (even though she promised she would stop talking to him).

10. You share endless memories and inside jokes.

Just one word can make you host burst into laugher. You also know the exact meaning of every look she's ever given you.

11. If you don't feel like putting on pants or a bra that's totally fine.

As long as the suite door is closed, anything goes.

12. After a long day, when you need to rant, you know exactly where to find her

And that place is probably her bed.

13. You always have her outfit approval.

Picking out outfits is a lot easier when you have your best friend there to give her brutally honest approval.

14. She's always going to be there for you, no matter the circumstances.

You can always count on her to take your side, even when you're wrong. No questions asked.

Shoutout to my current flatmates (who double up as my best friends) who inspired this article. I can't thank you both enough for being the absolute best people. I wouldn't want to share this stage of my life with anyone else.

Thank you for proving that home really is where the heart(-to-heart) is!

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