With a simple Google search anyone can find endless quotes and encounters on what it's like to have a sister. Although, I often think brothers are a strange strand of the human species, I find myself thankful every day that I have one. My brother and I are just under two years apart, so we're very close to one another. However, anyone who has a brother (or siblings at all for that matter) knows that a lot comes along with being "close." Close in age can mean that you have each other's backs, but also inevitably entails A LOT of head-butting, bickering and plenty of awkward moments.
1. THAT day.
Being the older sibling has always meant power. Always winning the fights. However, eventually the day will come that your younger brother overpowers you physically. One day you will throw a punch and run for your life…time to regroup the troops and strategize!
2. Awkward moments in public.
No, waitress, we’re not on a date and he is not my boyfriend. Can’t I just have a nice lunch with my brother?
3. He will eat your food.
That chicken parm in the fridge that literally has your name written ALL OVER IT? Yeah that doesn't matter, what’s his is his and what’s yours is his.
4. Girls aren’t ALWAYS the last ones to get ready.
When it matters, boys take just as long if not longer to make sure they’re looking good. No makeup, no hair, and significantly less to shave…what could possibly be taking so long?
5. You can take their clothes, but they can’t take yours.
You know how sweatpants for girls are still designed to a certain shape instead of just plain old comfort? Boys clothes are undeniably comfortable and the best part about it is you can wear them too!
6. You have someone who sees it from another perspective.
You’ll always have a group of girls who will back you up no matter how bizarre whatever you’re doing or thinking is. The best part about having a brother is he will give his opinion without a sugarcoat, whether you like it or not.
7. He’s probably always right about other boys.
So you bring home this really cute guy…but your brother says no. Maybe this is just something I’ve experienced, but my brother’s opinion went into every guy I’ve dated…and he was ALWAYS right.
8. He will protect you.
Whether he is two years younger to 10 years younger, and no matter who is messing with you, your brother always seems to be right around the corner to make sure you’re all right.
9. You know each other’s dirt.
He knows what you’ve done, you know what he’s done, and often the fear of dirt you have on one another is enough to not tell Mom about that annoying thing the other one just did.
10. He’ll always do stupid things with you.
I’m sure every brother and sister has their own personal stories about STUPID stuff they have encouraged one another to do. Personally, one of my favorites is when my brother and I threw bologna at the ceiling fan to see if it would fly off and stick to the walls (sorry Mom).
11. You’ll always act a little maternal towards him.
Sometimes being protective over your younger brother turns into being an invasive older sister. You start doing things out of love, but to him you’re just getting in his way. It’s hard to let him do things on his own, and you’ll always want to be by his side for everything.
12. You’ll miss him.
You’re the first sibling to move out and go to college, and you’ve been waiting your entire life for the day you get to leave your annoying brother behind. Heads up sisters, that ends real quick. Eventually the distance will help you find that he isn’t as big of a pain in the ass as you thought he was, and you really do need him.
13. He's YOUR younger brother.
No matter how angry he will make you from time to time, he is still your younger brother. Nobody gets to mess with him but you. You get to watch him mature right in front of your eyes. You will watch him grow in his times of success, be there for him when he falls short, and even though being of the opposite sex allows for different paths in life here and there, there will be unavoidable life experiences that you get to help him with because you’ve already been there.
Getting to watch my younger brother grow up into the amazing young man that he is, and knowing that somewhere along the way he took my advice whether he wants to admit it or not, has truly been a blessing. So shout-out to all you younger brothers out there! Even though older siblings are the best and our parents love us more, you’re not that bad…I guess.