You might think your college experience defines you, but I would like to argue that your high school experience also helps shape who you are. Whether you went to a private or public school, or a large or small one, we all know our high school had its quirks. Here are some things you'll only understand if you went to Lexington High School.
1. You know everyone.
Even though our school is over 2,000 students, you still somehow know everyone. As both a freshman and a senior, if you pointed out someone to me I could probably tell you at least one thing about them.
2. AP classes had a different meaning.
AP classes were considered our normal. When you got to college, your peers were shocked at the number of AP classes you took, right? Only at LHS does more than half the sophomore class take AP bio.
3. Parking is a game.
When you finally got your license and the privilege of driving yourself to school, you perfected your timing. If you got to school too late you were going to be stuck parked all the way by Hayden and late to class by the time you walked back to campus. If you got there too early, you could get a prime spot, but would sit around forever in the main hall before your friends got there.
4. The senior lot is a rip off.
You're a senior and finally get to park in the senior lot. Oh, wait, they charge $300 to park there -- or at least they started when I was a senior.
5. What is school spirit?
Pep rallies and homecoming are foreign concepts for us. The one attempt at a pep rally when I was at LHS was an absolute fail, which was kind of to be expected (no offense to the kids who planned it, you rock).
6. Our football team sucks.
However, despite this fact, we still have a following around town that always make it to at least one game a season if not more. How? I do not know.
7. We are the Minutemen.
All fear the terrifying Minutemen.
8. You had to eat lunch on the floor.
Even though we had not one, but two commons for lunch, the school still could not handle all of us even divided across three lunches. So you probably ate on the floor in the main hall at least once, or maybe a hundred times.
9. You have a slight obsession with a cappella.
PB&J, Guacamole, Onomatopoeia, Pitch Pipes, Euphoria, Rock Paper Scissors, and Mixed Nuts. We have more groups than a lot of colleges (and when you go to college you miss Fall, Winter, and Spring Jam).
10. Your parents probably went to LHS.
We're a big town with a small town feel since Lexington tends to draw families back in. Your parents probably still hang out with their high school friends, too, so they also probably live in Lexington.
11. Freshman are always late to class.
No matter who you are, you definitely had to do the trek from the math building to the freshman wing at some point. And we all know five minutes was not long enough, but the teachers still gave us a hard time for being late.
12. You remember when we tried to go viral and rebel with a flash mob.
Shout out to the Class of 2013 for their Interlude flash mob back in 2012. It was probably the only successful flash mob attempt in recent history at LHS (ahem, Harlem Shake). While the video might have gone viral with more than 10,000 views currently, teachers did not find the flash mob much of a disruption. In case you want to relive the glory...
13. The campus makes no sense.
Why is there a California style campus in New England? I have no idea. All I know is we weren't even assigned lockers because there was no point in having them when you had to walk through the snow and rain between classes. At least we can say it built character.