How 13 Reasons Why brings light to many overlooked issues
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13 reasons why: No, it's not just a Show about suicide

The acclaimed and very controversial Netflix series, "13 Reasons Why" brings to light various issues that many young people deal with more often than one would like to think.

13 reasons why: No, it's not just a Show about suicide

I feel that we need shows like "13 Reasons Why" to highlight these situations that are happening to so many young people. Mental health, amongst many other things, is just not talked about enough. It's like we as a society are too scared to talk about depression, being suicidal, having anxiety, rape, the list goes on.

But, why?

Maybe that's what makes "13 Reasons Why" one of the most watched shows of this time. Maybe it's because it gives a voice to those who have been victims of one of the string of many real and very traumatizing issues that this show highlights.

Now, I'm about to go into what some of those details are, so if you have either not watched the series and don't want spoilers, or feel that such heavy topics may trigger your own personal flash backs, please, do not continue reading. And though I always favor reaching out rather than just reposting this number, the national suicide prevention hotline is posted at the bottom of this article.

So, while "13 Reasons Why" highlights and raises awareness for suicide, it also raises awareness (and many eyebrows in the process) about other heavy situations faced by today's young adults.

Starting with rape/sexual assault. This is an all-too eerie and real topic for many young women, and also men. While I am extremely lucky to have never been a victim of rape/sexual assault, some of the scenes did trigger personal flashbacks to some rather uncomfortable situations I have been in. But I can only imagine how such scenes have made victims-no, survivors, feel. There are multiple rape scenes in this series that are extremely realistic and very hard to watch. But they need to be shown, to finally bring to light the horrifying truth so many survivors have kept secret for too long.

The scene where Hannah was raped by Bryce Walker, the series rapist, in his hot tub was a very real depiction of a rape attack. The terror in her eyes, the bone chilling way he had so much power over her while he held her down and viciously thrusted into her, sent shivers down my spine. Same when Bryce had held down a drunk Jessica Davis in his bedroom at a party and told her she wanted it over and over, while she screamed for help until her throat burned, everything so hazy. And again when he was with his girlfriend, Chloe and told her she wanted sex because she loved him and that her consent was naturally given, all the while forcefully touching her. You could see the hesitant look on her face, but she gave in because he had convinced her she really did want it.

Did reading that makes you uncomfortable? Well, it should have, because now you have just a micro-idea of what these rape survivors have to live with each day.

Aside from raw, realistic depictions of sexual assault, the series delves into what it's like to suffer from depression and anxiety. Two mental illnesses that are hushed by society. In season 2, Clay's girlfriend, Skye, discusses her road to recovery from serious depression and anxiety. She talks about what it was like to cut herself, be labeled by others, and also about what it was like to never be taken seriously for her depression.

No one ever seems to want to believe it's real and happening to a loved one, but while they fail to try to understand, I hope they know that they are also failing said loved one. Depression and anxiety are very real and very common, and should very much be spoken about as comfortably and openly as one would speak about physical illness.

For length's sake, one more topic I feel that this series has highlighted very realistically is just how toxic words can hurt a person like honestly, I feel it was the disgusting words rather than the disgusting actions that drove Hannah to suicide. Being called a slut, easy, whore, all those things are words many young women hear too often. They can really get into our heads until we believe we are just that. This is volatile, and I applaud "13 Reasons Why" for depicting such very real situations and their consequences, shedding light on just how wrong and deteriorating these words can be for a woman.

I have only touched the tip of the iceberg. I could go on and on about the many ways this show perfectly highlights real-life issues among young adults, but that would require a literal novel. If you want to see more, or better understand the point I tried to make with this article, I highly recommend you watch the series.

If you are feeling suicidal, helpless, or are in dire need to talk to someone, please call the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. If you have been raped/assaulted and need to get help, please reach out to your local rape response services, or click this link

If you feel someone you know may be suffering, reach out. We can repost the helpline contact info until our fingers fall off but the true help comes from personally reaching out and asking, "Are you okay?"

And if you are suffering yourself, whatever it may be, do not feel ashamed, do not feel embarrassed, do not feel like a burden. Please, I promise you someone is always ready to listen and help. You don't have to face this alone.

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