There are two types of college freshmen in the world: those that call home regularly and those whose parents have to call them to make sure they are not only still going to class but are still alive. Regardless of which category you fall under, there's a pretty good chance that you've called home about these things.
1. "Can you send me snacks?"
Everybody knows that the best reason to schedule a trip home is to get free food. Er, see your family! But sometimes it just can't wait and you need a new box of cheese balls right this second. Or...whenever your mom can have them shipped to you at no expense to you.
2. Talking to pets
"Can you put Spot on the phone?"
"Don't you want to talk to us?
"Mom, just put the dog on the phone. I need puppy loving."
3. Doing Laundry
Can I even wash this? How much detergent should I use? Do I really have to separate the lights from the darks? Can't you just do it when I come home? Is there any way I can reverse color transfer after I've turned all of my white clothes bright pink? Why are there bubbles spewing out of the top of the machine?
4. Asking for More Cash
College freshmen: we live off of "stolen" cereal from the cafeteria and the cheapest take-out food we can order. We also have a penchant for buying an entire new wardrobe with the money we should have spent on avoiding these mealtime predicaments. Apparently, we lack skills with both budgeting and impulse control.
5. Asking for More Clothes
The temperatures have suddenly dropped and it's weeks away from Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately, you, all of your clothes are ready for fun in the sun instead of huddling under a blanket in a wintry wonderland. You have to avoid catching your death walking to your 7:50...Who ya gonna call? Mom!
6. Questions About Friends
Even if they're several states away and "you're an adult now," parents will always want to know about your friends, new and old. And you'll always have better luck turning to them for honest, educated, unbiased advice than to anybody else.
7. Searching For Reassurance About Life Decisions
Everybody falls victim to that nagging sensation that they've messed up. College is no exception. Again, the best thing to do is to call your parents. They've been there before and have come out of the experience alive so, odds are, they'll know just what to say to make the doubt run for the hills.
8. Coughs & Sniffles
Homesick is one thing...just plain sick is another. Homesickness is something everybody faces around the same time and gradually goes away by not thinking about it. Being physically sick? Not so much. Nobody likes being sick but being sick while you're away from home is absolutely awful. It's even worse when you're hours away from home and the closest thing you can get is a can of microwaved soup from the C-Store and a call home to ask about cough medicine dosages.
9. Online Purchases
Yes, we are adults now. Yes, we should be able to make our own online purchases.'re still a very wise person if you call home to get your mom's opinion on whether or not you really need those new shoes or that new video game...but especially if you really need that overboard that's not even allowed on campus.
10. Homework Help
"Mom, can you just read this essay and tell me if it's good?" "Dad, I need you to help me with this math problem, I can't afford another bad grade in Business Calc." "Don't we know a Buddhist that can come tutor me for my religion course?" "Yes, I know it's 2 AM but I really need you to read over this before I hand it in tomorrow." "When does the homework ever end!?"
11. Complaining
Nobody likes a whiner. You're trying to make new friends in the first year of college, not scare them off, but you're just so overwhelmed and so tired all the time that you just can't stand to let it all simmer anymore. Time to pick up the phone and have a good complaint-fest with your parents! Odds are, they'll comfort you for a bit and then tell you something to the effect of "welcome to the real world, you'll be fine."
12. Schedules
"Mom, I don't think my professor would like it if I came home during the middle of the midterm." "Yes, I had Spanish this morning when you called and I answered...why wasn't I in class? Well..." "Yes, mom. I will go to the dentist when I'm home but you have to make the appointment for me."
13. I Miss You!
Yes, some of us hate to admit it, but we really do call home to hear the sound of a familiar voice of a family member from time to time. Sometimes the best part of calling home is not what is said, but the love and comfort of the way it's said.