I remember at the end of my sophomore year of high school, we were learning about the Civil War. Once the war wrapped up, there were thousands of freed slaves just looking at each other and a wrecked southern economy. I wrote down in my notebook, “The war was officially over …now what?” Graduating from college feels exactly the same way for me. Now what? And, more importantly, what are things in my life that I need to change? There are certain rituals that I took for granted and considered to be acceptable since I was still a college student, and now I fear I might be that weird old person who needs to actually graduate beyond turning the tassel on my cap. Here are the main questions that I have going forward in life; feel free to shoot me an answer if you have any, because I’m feeling very lost.
Is it still a summer break?
And, if I’m not employed, does that mean that my summer is just a few months of feeling like a failure?
For how long is it acceptable to relate to Luke Bryan’s “Spring Break” album?
Until I’m as old as Luke Bryan is while he’s still singing about spring break? Because I like that answer.
Am I as lazy as my parents say for still waking up at 2 p.m.? Because I'm a princess, and Princess Anna did it.
Should I throw out my school ID, or can I still keep it in my wallet?
Can I really not use the #socollege hashtag anymore?
Is it now considered alcoholism to drink on a Monday night?
And is my ability to shotgun a beer now more pathetic than impressive?
Do I need to buy a real rain jacket now instead of my sorority one?
And are letters now unacceptable?
Is it weird to continue to follow TSM, TFM and College Humor?
Their writers have graduated, so it's not weird that I'm still obsessed, right? #TSTC
How long until it's imperative that I change verbs like "major" and "study" to the past tense?
If it's not clear, I'm not ready to leave.
I don't have to be friends with anyone who went to a rival school in the workplace, do I?
And if so, where's the line with talking smack on gameday?
Can I still be "single and ready to mingle" or am I nearing #ForeverAlone territory?
What's the balance between dreaming big and listening to voices of reason?
People who say I'll never see my college friends again are just wrong ... right?
LOL nah, I know the answer to this one.