Best Christmas Gifts For The Book Warm In Your Life
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13 Easy Christmas Gifts For The Bookworm In Your Life Who Already Has ALL The Books

Three words: Magnetic. Poetry. Set.

13 Easy Christmas Gifts For The Bookworm In Your Life Who Already Has ALL The Books

The holidays are around the corner and you're probably struggling to figure out what to gift your quirky, book-worm friend. Well, if you are, then here is a list of the best ideas any book nerd would love!

Prettier copies of books they already own.

Book worms love pretty covers. Even if we have three copies of them, it doesn't matter. We will always appreciate a new, prettier copy of books we already own. Explore book copies with pretty covers on Etsy.

Book sets with matching covers.

Even more than pretty covers, book worms love sets of books that all match! It could be me, but I hate having a series of books when covers don't match. My friends hear about this all the time!

Literature T-Shirts

Even though I don't own one, I would DIE for a T-shirt that reps my favorite authors or has witty literature phrases on it. Yes, I spend way too much time at Books a Million. Amazon has a bunch to choose from.

A gift card/certificate to their favorite local bookstore.

Glen Noble / Flickr

We all know bookworms love bookstores, but perhaps your bookworm is picky. Nothing is more fun to a bookworm than getting to go to their favorite bookstores and browsing the extensive collection. And if it's a local store it's even better. Shop local!

Jewelry inspired by their favorite books

Photo Courtesy of Etsy

Perhaps you know all of your bookworm's favorite books, but you're not sure if they have space or want more copies. Maybe they love jewelry. On a lot of Etsy shops you can find jewelry inspired by different novels. For example, I have a necklace with a tiny "Pride and Prejudice" book as the charm.

A (canvas) bag

Wikimedia Commons

Listen, we like to have our books on our person at all times. You can find tons of canvas bags online or in bookstores that would make any book worm happy. Or perhaps if you're feeling generous, you could find a messenger bag or even a Kanken! All of these would be great for helping us carry our precious cargo in.


Photo Courtesy of Amazon

Typically, a reader is a writer, and writers love journals. You can find journals anywhere, and the prettier the better. I personally crave to own a leather-bound journal with a beautiful imprint on the front and a leather tie to wrap it in. Ahhh, sweet, blank paper to hoard.

A jar of literature

Emily Ralston / Flickr

Low on cash? Get creative! Any sentimental book worm would love this idea! Take a tall jar and fill it with 365 days of literature. You could find funny literature memes or you could even fill it with writing prompts! You would just need to compile the 365 things, print them out, then put them in the jar. Wha-la! 365 days of literature for your book worm!

A game night


Now, if you are up to possibly being obliterated in a game of Scrabble or completely confused by Bards Dispense Profanity, then this idea is for you. You could by a game, like the ones mentioned above, along with a couple of quirky literature-inspired mugs, and some hot chocolate, then place it in a bag and give it to your bookworm! This offers them a game they will definitely love and you can spend some quality time with them!

Magnetic poetry set

Flickr / Anna

At Barnes and Noble, you can find different versions of magnetic poetry sets. I personally want to own the Pride and Prejudice set. These are great for any bookworms, but specifically for the bookworms in college. They can decorate their mini-fridges with cute poems!

Author Dolls!

Photo Courtesy of Amazon

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild on Amazon has a line of “Little Thinker" dolls. This line includes dolls for authors like Edgar Allan Poe and Jane Austen. These would be a great gift for your book worm friends that enjoy a little cozy friend!


Photo Courtesy of Etsy

Does your book worm enjoy a cheeky cuppa? There are tons of different lines of tea inspired by books and authors! There are even some you can find in bookstores like Books a Million and Barnes and Noble.

Personal Library Kit

Photo Courtesy of Amazon

If your book worm enjoys lending out their precious babies, perhaps gifting them a library kit would be useful. This way they can keep track of who is borrowing their books!

The holidays are a stressful time, but your book worm friends are the easiest to shop for! You just have to think a bit out of the box!

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