College is rumored to be the best four years of your life, but that is not always the case. Sure, you can stay up as late as you want, go out on the weekends, and not have anyone tell you what to do. However, college can make you feel like the loneliest person on Earth. If you don't have anyone to connect with then all you're left with is yourself, and that can be depressing. I've lived in Iowa my entire life — although in a big city— so I understand the ratio of minorities to white people. When I reached Iowa State it was a total change and culture shock. I was one of the few minorities in my classes, my dorm, and on the sidewalks. That was when I realized what a P.W.I (predominately white institution) was, and with these tips you can find a way to make college feel a little more like home.
1. Be open minded
Don't think everyone is out to get you or is racist. You may not be in your comfort zone, so just adapt to the new environment.
2. Find a new support system
On campus there will be plenty of other people feeling the same way you do. By connecting with them you can become good friends.
3. Stay connected with your friends and family at home
You're all grown up now and finally on your own, so everyone is probably telling you to not go to your mom with all your problems. Just because life is changing does not mean your relationships at home are, so venting to your friends and family might make you feel a lot better. They're only a phone call away.
4. Make White friends
They don't bite. They're people just like you, so don't be intimidated.
5. Don't be ashamed of your culture
Be proud to be you! Love everything about yourself and stick to your roots.
6. Be involved
At Iowa State there are hundreds of clubs that give you a space to find others with similar interests. Also, there are clubs directed towards your race and culture.
7. Don't fall into the stereotype
Many people have preconceived misconceptions of who you are based on your skin tone or where you are from. Show them who are and not what society expects you to be.
8. Be prepared for racism
There is a chance that it will happen. It might be large scale or small scale, but when and if it does then figure out how you will react and what those actions will say about yourself.
9. Find a mentor
Whether it's a teacher or upperclassmen, find someone who seems cool and has been in the position you're in. They can help you navigate through college, and make you realize you aren't alone.
10. Try greek life
There are Hispanic and African-American fraternities and sororities on campus. They are an additional support system, and can also be really fun.
11. Check out the Student Services building
They can give you resources that are specialized for multicultural students. Iowa State offers a department in the Student Services building just for minorities, so be sure to utilize the free tools they have.
12. Attend or host a forum
When times get hard, and you feel like your community is falling apart then find a forum or create one of your own. All you need is a free space, some students, and a discussion topic. It can eventually turn into a campus wide forum. Discussions lead to answers along with opportunities for social activism.