12 Reasons Why Going To An All-Girls Private School Was The Best
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12 Reasons Why Going To An All-Girls Private School Was The Best

The quirks never bothered you anyway.

12 Reasons Why Going To An All-Girls Private School Was The Best
Jay Gorodetzer Photography

Let’s be real; going to an all girls private school was one of the best decisions you have ever made in your life. However, most of the time, it was not your decision. It was your parents’ decision. Most people say they could never survive at an all girls school. They ask, “How can you go to school without boys?”, “Do you ever talk to boys?”, “Do you like wearing a uniform everyday?” and other questions that only remind me how fortunate I am to have attended The Baldwin School, an all girls college-preparatory private school. Despite not having boys to admire during school, to be honest my interaction with boys was not limited. Going to an all girls school definitely had more advantages than disadvantages.

1. You could get up at and get ready for school within 5 minutes.

Looking like you just woke up was acceptable and encouraged. Without boys at school, who cares what you look like? No need to put in effort to look nice or wear makeup. The topknot bun was the go to hairstyle of choice for everyone. Plus, the uniform saved time in the morning for extra sleep. The uniform truly was a blessing in disguise.

2. You could focus better in classes and on schoolwork.

Without the need to worry about your appearance, you could focus on using your brain to get ahead. Everyone around you worked diligently, which only motivated you to work even harder. You should thank your classmates for the healthy competition that got you where you are today. You developed a great work ethic that has helped you in college and beyond.

3. Yelling across the room for a tampon was not seen as weird.

Let’s be real. That time of the month is always the worst. Thankfully, you could complain about your period as loud as you wanted without any judgment. But, forgetting a tampon when you desperately need one makes life rough. At least you could ask any of the girls in your class for a tampon without shame. You could discover which girls were your cycle sisters and sympathize with each other.

4. You were never afraid to ask questions in class.

In a room of all girls, who is going to judge you? No one. You raised your hand and asked questions during class all the time without the fear of being thought of as stupid. Asking questions is a good habit to form before entering college. Stick that hand up with pride and show those boys who is boss.

5. Free Food was everywhere.

There was always free food. Everywhere you looked, there were platters of chocolate chip cookies, brownies, cake, pizza and pastries galore. You were not afraid to take a plate, pile the food on, and then proceed to stuff your faces.

6. You could form genuine relationships with your teachers.

In a huge public school with almost 1000 students in each grade, it is tough for teachers to form a close bond with each of their students. On the other hand, teachers at small all girls’ schools encourage students to visit them for academic help, life advice and much more. Being able to form close relationships with adults who genuinely care about you and want to see you succeed is something you cherish everyday. To be honest, you learned that your teachers are pretty cool when they do not give you bad grades.

7. Your classmates are your sisters for life.

Being in a class of 63 students, you genuinely know everybody in your grade. If you want to avoid a girl, chances are you are probably not going to. Despite the occasional conflicts between girls, you can truly say that you can rely on any of your classmates if you need a friend to talk to, need help, or a job connection. You lived through the unique experience of going to an all girls’ school, which only brought you and your classmates closer. In the words of my grade’s class song, “We have a bond that can’t be broken…”

8. You meet your BFFs.

In an environment without boys, you could be as open, silly, funny and honest as you want. Crazy grade dance parties in the lounge and impromptu karaoke singing with the jukebox in the dining hall definitely did not happen at co-ed schools.

9. Looking sweaty and exhausted after gym class did not bother you.

Fun fact: did you know that girls sweat too? At an all girls’ school, looking good after gym class was not a priority. Getting to class before being marked tardy was the real tough task.

10. You had weird traditions that only brought you and your classmates even closer.

Your school has a Turkey song sung at every Thanksgiving assembly, Banner Day, Ring Day, Junior-Senior, Arts Day, Service Day, and a few other traditions that are not common at other schools. Even though you may think these traditions are pointless and make no sense, looking back at the memories you created during these events only makes you smile.

11. No topics for discussion were off limits.

You could talk about anything. You could have weird sex, pregnancy, and marriage talks in your grade lounge that most definitely did not occur at co-ed schools. In addition, you could freely talk about boys since they were not present to eavesdrop.

12. You had the opportunity to wear a long, white gown instead of the typical graduation cap and gown.

You joke that you got married to your school on graduation day. If you went to an all girls’ school, you definitely wore beautiful, floor-length, white dresses that resembled wedding gowns. Wearing these white gowns beats wearing those baggy graduation gowns. And thankfully you didn’t have to wear a cap, or else that would have ruined the hair-do that you spent two hours getting done.

So thank your parents for sending you to a small, all-girls school. Attending one truly was an unparalleled experience that transformed you into the ambitious woman ready to conquer all the challenges that may come in today’s multi-faceted society.

Shout out to my 62 Baldwin Class of Red sisters and special thanks to Rachel Sutor (Hamilton College ’20) and Noelle Zimmerman (Gettysburg College ’20) for giving me ideas when I could not think.

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