Going into college, I thought my roommate had to be my best friend even though I had heard hundreds of horror stories about freshman year roommates. Everyone told me that the chances of actually get along and liking your roommate would be slim to none. Sometimes, though, you luck out and become best friends with your roommates. Here are some things people who are best friends with their roommates can relate to.
1. They’re always there for you.
Even when it’s 2 a.m. and you just want to vent about how bad your day was. They're your new support system and shoulder to cry on. They are also the first ones there to celebrate with you when you get good news.
2. They’re always down to order food.
Who says Domino's every other weekend is a bad thing. Ordering two pizzas, parmesan bites and cinnamon sticks is totally OK. It's just a phase I promise. What’s the freshman 15 anyway?
3. Multiple closets.
Being able to share clothes is the greatest. Everyone always has nicer clothes than me so why not take advantage of it. Shopping is now a thing of the past. Besides, sharing is caring.
4. They don’t judge.
They wont even think twice if they leave for hours and when they come back you’re still in the same spot. They don't care if you decided to stay in bed and not talk to anyone all day.
5. They’re brutally honest.
They are not going to be your yes man. They’ll tell it like it is with out sugar coating a thing. They are going to tell you what they really think of your outfit and are not afraid to hurt your feelings. It may be hard but it makes you stronger.
6. There will be endless pictures.
It doesn’t matter if you’re walking to class, passed out at two in the afternoon or getting ready to go out on a Friday night someone is always taking pictures. Whenever you ask for pictures you get sent upward of 90 at a time, not that you're complaining. Who cares if your freshman year Facebook album has close to 1,000 pictures already?
7. You’ll never eat alone.
You might have to drag your roommates out of bed at 1:30 to get brunch on Saturday afternoon but it’s better than facing the dinning hall by yourself.
8. Their family becomes your family.
Crashing family outings has become a specialty of mine. Your parents ask about them and the other way around. It seems like you are just one big happy family like something out of a movie.
9. You stay up way later than planned.
You all planned on going to bed early but nine quickly becomes three and your still up talking. It's not even anything important, just life in general. These late night conversations usually lead to the best memories and inside jokes.
10. You make plans to see each other over every school break.
Living in different states, means road trips back and forth are a must. You've planned multiple trips for the summer. If it actually happens will be another question.
11. You miss each other.
Even if it’s only been four hours it’s weird not seeing them all the time. The texts and Snapchats start coming in almost as soon as your apart. If one of you go home for the weekend be prepared for the "We miss you (insert name here)" Snapchat stories.
12. There are no secrets.
They know everything from who you like to where you are at any given second of the day. They know what pisses who off more than anything and just how to push your buttons. But they also know how to make you laugh and forget everything that stressing you out.