12 Cat Breeds To Make Your Day
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12 Cat Breeds To Make Your Day

Purrfection has four legs and whiskers.

12 Cat Breeds To Make Your Day
Animal Planet

In lieu of recent events during the week, I decided to make a more light-hearted piece. Most people like cute lists, so why not a list of cat breeds that will take your mind off of more depressing things? Note that the list of cats is based off of my own preferences and experiences, but nevertheless, please enjoy this pawsome selection!

20. Hairless Rex/Sphynx

Members of this breed are considered to be the ugliest cats on Earth. In reality, these furry friends are just easier to manage.The Sphynx came about in the 1970s when a Canadian woman's beloved cat gave birth to some hairless kittens, which turned out to be the effect of a recessive gene. These cats are lively and enjoy interaction with people just as much as a Siamese. There's also the added benefit of creating matching outfits for you and your Sphynx - they chill easily and often need clothing in colder seasons.

19. Russian Blue

Russian Blues are maverick cats. They act on their own and generally shy away from interaction with people, but are generally gentle when cared for properly. On the other hand, this breed is one of few that came about naturally rather than through breeding. These cats should be kept away from smaller children, as they may mistake their weak motor capabilities as aggression. My grandmother's cat, Mr. Blue, exemplified this response every time I tried to play with him as a toddler.

18. Manx

The Manx is a very cute result of British experimentation. They often have short or no tails due to deliberate breeding exclusive to the Isle of Man. As a result, a Manx makes a superior hunter into geriatric years. If you prefer to own an outdoor cat, the Manx can live outside and prefers outdoor activities, especially car rides and swimming.

17. Siamese

Most readers will recognize this breed thanks to Disney's Lady and the Tramp. Although the Siamese Twins in the movie represented the breed's talkative mannerisms to a tee, Siamese cats are not villains. These cats are highly recommended for large families, especially those with children. Siamese cats love to talk and play. If you want a little person that's actually a cat, get a Siamese.

16. Ocicat

Please note that this breed is a domestic cat, not one that needs to be in the wild! Ocicats are an offshoot of the Siamese. They originated as a crossbreed experiment and became popularized for their exotic appearance and open personality. Ocicats love working with puzzle toys to keep their minds moving. These cats are also friendly enough to have healthy relationships with dogs, even to the point of riding on their backs! What sweet cats.

15. Persian

Do you like Pugs? Do you like grooming your pets daily? The Persian is the perfect cat breed for you. This breed has been around since the Mesopatamian civilization's existence, so it's safe to say that this cat breed is the oldest in existence. Their signature smushed in face, however, did not appear until the late 1800s. They come in a variety of colors, and although they shed on a daily basis, Persians are the most popular pedigree in the world.

14. Himalayan

People refer to Himalayans as "Persians in Siamese Drag"- they have the body of a Persian but the colors of a Siamese. Thankfully, Himmies are not favorable towards either breed. They act more mellow compared to both breeds while choosing their companions in a more persnickety manner. They don't require much athletic activity, so a Himalayan will not destroy your house. They do, however, need daily grooming so they don't suffer from hyperthermia.

13. Birman

Birmans fall into the same family as Siamese and Himalayan cats. Of the three breeds, Birmans behave in the most docile manner. They enjoy sleeping in people's laps, and although they talk distinctively, the occurences of conversation are low with this breed. If you desire a long-haired feline version of The Dude, consider the Birman as a pet.

12. Nebelung

Nebelungs are Germany's answer to Persians and Himalayans. They appear to be ethereal cats with shimmering, floating coats, and often are associated with aloof watchmen for supernatural beings. Reserved pride aside, like all cats, Nebelungs love getting attention and often become anxious if left alone for too long. These cats have the agility of a Russian ballerina, so rest assured that they won't destroy the house while you work.

11. Ragdoll

This breed often appears in cute commercials catering to young girls. Sometimes, they show up in those heart-breaking ASPCA ads with Sarah McLaughlin in the background. Most of all, when people think of cats, they picture this breed. The Ragdoll is a smaller counterpart to most other breeds and is relatively low maintenance- except for the hair. Because of their size, however, don't be afraid to spend some money to make sure your Ragdoll is healthy. They inherit heart conditions very easily and require a lot of medical attention as a result.

10. Snowshoe

Made famous by Tardar Sauce, aka Grumpy Cat, the Snowshoe breed has become sensationalized in the media thanks to the internet celebrity. Crossbred between a Siamese and American Shorthair, the Snowshoe is literally the "Mom Friend" of cats. They pick favorites in their families, human or otherwise, and often boss the other family members around. Their voices, thankfully, lack the harsh yapping of the Siamese and usually get along well with dogs. If you need some structure in your life, go get a Snowshoe.

9. Turkish Angora

Remember that kid in school who always had up-to-date clothing and attracted everyone to them? Picture them as a cat, and the Turkish Angora should come to mind. With an elegant, angled face, the Cat Fanciers Association took interest in the 1960s. These cats enjoy attention and often act independently of their owners. One issue arises from this individualistic behavior: Angoras do not train easily and often stubbornly act in one manner for the majority of their lives.

8. Singapura

Singapuras represent the Anime Girl Trope of cat breeds. Big eyes sit on their miniscule heads with oversized ears. These bundles of love act as a tourist attraction and a pet. Their mischief and open minds attract positive and negative attention from family and strangers alike. If you want a cohort for your pranking or a unique cat, Singapore's Tourist Mascot may be the cat for you.

7. Ragamuffin

Ragamuffins evolved from the Ragdoll- you could say "Ragamuffin is the new Ragdoll". As the newest member of the Cat Fanciers Association, this fluffy brunette creature replaces your best friend in the confines of your home. They relish playing with toys and posts, but Ragamuffins easily understand commands. If you don't want your Ragamuffin on a certain piece of furniture, they'll get the message right away. What a blessing of a breed.

6. Chinese Li Hua

Chinese Li Huas look like American Shorthairs with more attitude. Originally used for pest control on farms, Li Huas now act as a symbol of Chinese pride and symbolism. These cats will never betray you, like most characters in soap operas, and they don't need the same amount of care as their long-haired brother and sister breeds further to the West. Some Li Hua owners have even trained their companions to get the morning paper. Is that neat or what?

5. Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtails remind me of rabbits, except, well, they're obviously cats. Members of this breed talk in a more friendly manner than the Siamese. Bobtails are there to be your friend and will travel in any condition; Bobtails may have more grit than my grandma. They enjoy participating in complicated activities with large groups of cats and people. If you have a large extended family, go adopt a Japanese Bobtail. You will appreciate the decision in the long run.

4. Norwegian Forest Cat

Although this breed is similar to the Maine Coon in appearance, the "Wegie" has longer, water-repellant fur. The breed also bears ties to pre-colonial Europe, having originated in the wild. If you desire a larger, more independent form of a Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cats meet all of these standards. Please note, however, that these cats make horrible lap cats- they're just too heavy for one's legs.

3. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds always catch my attention with their curled ears and their spectacular coloring. Despite their aggravated looks, these cats love to socialize and often chirp to get some good old TLC. Scottish Folds love to play with their owners and often lounge with them as well. I you have small children or relatives, say no more. A Fold loves attention from little ones. They also live for a relatively long time, so keep a Fold in mind if you need a long-lasting relationship. Boyfriends and girlfriends are overrated anyways.

2. Maine Coon

Maine Coons represent so much of our American culture: their ancestors immigrated to this continent, they function independently and Maine coons are just huge. These cats are excellent hunters with a great respect for man, having provided companionship for fishermen all the way back in the 1800s. nowadays, they sit on their owners' laps, but these low-maintenance critters don't mind being left alone for long periods of time. The Maine Coon is also the State Cat of Maine.

1. American Shorthair/Domestic Shorthair

Considerably the most diverse cat breed, the Domestic Shorthair, also referred to as the American Shorthair, comes in all shapes, sizes, and even colors. Most Shorthairs are miniature compared to other breeds and are often less difficult to manage. They socialize quite well with people and other cats, although exceptions do exist. For instance, most stray cats on the streets are Shorthairs, especially black Shorthairs. This is due to the ill-founded superstition from colonial times, but black cats are usually sweet to people and other cats. My favorite Shorthairs are Tortoiseshells, such as my wonderful baby named Taffy, since she looks like a very hairy mixture of salt water taffies.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these purrfect felines!

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