Back in high school, when things were much simpler, all classes were mandatory. Teachers took attendance in the beginning of every class period and then we moved on and started the lesson for the day. In college, it is up to the university and the professor on whether or not to make attendance part of your grade. Unfortunately, we are some of the unlucky ones. Roll is taken at the beginning of every class and it somehow gets broken down into a percentage for our grade at the end of the semester. Don't come to class? Down your grade goes. It is difficult to comprehend, as we are paying thousands in tuition, yet they can still average our class absences into our final grade. If we don't want to go, it should not affect us. We miss the lecture for the day and if that transfers over to our next exam grade- that is our own fault and our grade can suffer that way.
As we all know how difficult it is to sometimes make it to class, here are the top 11 excuses we come up with to skip.
1. Its too nice out to sit inside, I'd rather lay out with my friends.
2. I'm too tired to even learn anything, I could use an extra hour of sleep.
3. My other class got cancelled today, whats the point in going all the way to campus for one class?
4. I went too hard last night and am way too hungover to function today.
5. I've gone to every class so far this week, I deserve to start my weekend early.
6. I totally forgot about last night's homework assignment, maybe if I skip class it'll help my case...
7. My friends are all skipping and I don't want to sit in class alone.
8. My professor barely takes attendance; she'll probably forget to do it today anyway.
9. All the notes are online, I am not going to class just to sit there.
10. I'm hungry... so, so hungry.
11. If there is a reason to drink, its an excuse to skip.
Just kidding, we all know the importance of going to class. Don't let absences be the reason you fail. Go to class and learn something! That's the real reason we all go to college anyway, right?