This past year, my yellow Labrador passed away due to cancer. My heart was and still is so heavy not having her around. Although I know she is in heaven playing fetch in the ocean for hours on end, my heart still aches. I realized after she passed that she reminded me everyday to be grateful for everything and everyone in my life. I would wake up in the morning, just to be greeted by her wagging tail and slobbery kisses.
Even with a massive tumor on her leg that bled constantly, she continued to remind me that life is good even when it’s bad. She was sick, getting chemo treatments regularly and still wanted to go swimming everyday. She still wanted to go for walks and smell the crisp ocean air. She still wanted to eat apples and tomatoes everyday. Emma still wanted to love, and be loved.
Here are 11 things that my sweet dog taught me:
1. Dogs are not materialistic
They do not care whether you are wearing sweatpants and a big baggy T-shirt or if you are wearing Jimmy Choo shoes with a $1,000 dress. Your dog loves you for how you treat them and thinks you’re beautiful because what’s on the inside.
2. Play as much as you can
No one should be so serious all the time, you must leave room to play. Life is too short to focus on working 24/7 over spending time with your friends.
3. It’s okay to show that you’re happy
Wag your tail as much as you want. Positive, happy people are more fun to be around.
4. Forgive and forget
Move on from situations that upset you, you’re only hurting yourself.
5. Sometimes you just need a nap
It’s OK to take a step back from the computer screen or phone calls and rest for a while. Your body needs time to relax.
6. Welcome people with open arms
Be kind to people you don’t know because everyone is fighting some sort of battle. Do not be so quick to judge.
7. Be loyal to your loved ones
They will be there in good times and bad. Never take that for granted.
8. Give many hugs
Everyone wants to feel comforted and cared for. Hugs make people’s hearts happy.
9. Be adventurous
Step outside your comfort zone. Don’t play everything so safe.
10. Appreciate the outdoors
Smell the flowers and swim in the ocean, it is good for your soul.
11. Love, always
Love is what makes living fun and worthwhile. Love, a lot.