11 Ways To Benefit Yourself This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ways To Benefit Yourself This Summer

You'll be glad you did.

11 Ways To Benefit Yourself This Summer
Jeri Sasser

Whether you're in high school, college, or way past graduated, summertime can be a great opportunity for you to reflect on who you are and who you are supposed to be. I came into this season with a lot of room for growth, and after changing my mindset as well as some basic day-to-day activities, I have come to know and appreciate myself more than ever. So, if you're looking for ways to benefit yourself this season, here are 11 tips that just might help you out.

1. Spend more time alone

Solitude is key! You'd be surprised how much you can learn about yourself whenever you aren't constantly surrounded by other people. You don't have to spend every waking moment alone, but you should definitely set aside some time to be in your own company.

2. Be active

As fun as it is to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day, it's super important that you stay active this summer. Take your dog for a walk, plan a hike with friends, and if you're feeling up for it, start running! Not only will it make your body feel better, but it will boost your mood like crazy.

3. Read books

Before you completely shut down this idea, stop by your local library and pick out something you're interested in. Reading during the summer can help keep your brain working and maybe even spark ideas for some real-life fun.

4. Write

If you don't enjoy writing, this tip might seem useless. The truth is, any kind of writing will do you good. Whether it be creative writing or simply just journaling, your thoughts will become considerably less clustered and your mind will feel sharper.

5. Explore new music

Whether you're a music fanatic or just a casual listener, expanding your music taste can do so much. Find music that makes you optimistic and excited about life! Create a playlist and go make memories to the melodies of your new summer soundtrack.

6. Start cooking good meals for yourself

This summer, break up with fast-food and cook for yourself as much as possible. Not only will the food be tremendously better in quality, but better for your body too, and when you eat good, you feel good.

7. Push away sources of drama

A shockingly difficult task for people nowadays is staying out of drama. However, believe me when I say that it's not something you want to waste any time or energy on this summer. Ignore the indirect tweets, don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, and force a grin when anyone tries to get under your skin.

8. Be increasingly spontaneous

Summer is the prime time to be spontaneous. Go places you've never seen, do things you normally wouldn't, act upon anything and everything that comes to mind, and do it with the people you love most!

9. Remind yourself that hard work pays off

Aside from all of the fun that comes with summer, there will also come stress. At some point this summer, something will require a lot of effort and attention from you. Do what you can to handle it and remind yourself that it will all be worth it in the end.

10. Focus on the good things

When conflict arises, life can get confusing. As humans, we're expected to let the pressures of the world overwhelm and consume us. If we focus our attention on something good instead, life can seem a lot less scary and a lot more fun.

11. Accept nothing but the best

A lot of people are going to walk into your life and try to tell you what it is that you deserve, but in the end, it's not up to them, it's up to you. Be mindful of the way you let others treat you, and remember that in the end, you don't need anyone but yourself to succeed.

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