Middle school is a formative time for any person. It's an age when you begin to join clubs, go to dances, and even start to form friendships. For most friendships, things begin to fizzle in high school or perhaps even college if you're lucky. There are the rare few groups that outlast high school and college and enter adulthood. Along with this great undertaking of bridesmaid acceptances and yearly traditions of attending Fright Farm in Pennsylvania, you have a wide breadth of knowledge about what it means to be a true friend.
1. You have a name for your group of friends that is as old as your friendship.
For some, it could be the Four Horsemen or the Fantastic Four, but with my friends, we are the Sisterhood.
2. You can literally text these friends wherever, whenever and they will know exactly what to say or do.
No, please keep talking. I am sending SO many texts to this group chat right now about how you are an idiot.
3. And the screenshots. Oh, the screenshots.
Your friends have millions of screenshots saved in their photos that they've sent you and you can't help but take a picture of bae acting real stupid and forgetting you had plans together. Don't worry, my friends already know about that.
4. The plans you made in middle school to travel together and see amazing places have become a reality.
From beach trips to hiking adventures, your friends have seen you fall asleep in the car way too many times.
5. It doesn't matter how long your friend has been dating their significant other, if they're fighting, you automatically hate them.
6. One time or another you may have had a crush on one of your friends.
7. Their parents have come to know you...and the snacks you prefer.
It is the chewy ones, not the crunchy ones. The crunchy ones taste like sadness and taxes.
8. When your squad is together, social media knows.
And it's not just one pic from one person, there are different pictures posted from different angles and each one is effortless and everyone is laughing at that one thing Jessica said.
9. When one friend is going through something tough, you are all going through something.
Whether it is relationship or family issues, or even a bad grade on a midterm, your friends are always there for you.
10. Being somewhere new without your friends can be really awkward and weird.
No one got your "Scream the TV Series" reference and you totally can't be rude and just text your friends the whole night, but this is torture. Who even are these people?
11. You know for sure that no matter the distance or how busy you get, your friends will be your friends for life.
As we grow older, people will move away, get married, start their families, but you have your friends on speed dial...and snapchat...and twitter...and you know their house number by heart if things get real drastic.