As school begins to start all around the country, college students everywhere are walking into dorms, onto campus and back into a world of excitement, adventure and stress. College can be one of the most fun and most nerve-wracking times of our lives. Here's a few things to remember as you head back to class.
1. You're not the only one who's nervous.
While freshman are definitely experiencing a little anxiety, upperclassmen are as well. With brand new classes and professors, everyone is a little nervous on the first day.
2. Professors are happy you're there.
While, yes, many people have stories of professors from hell, the majority of them are excited to have students back in their classrooms.
3. Double check your room numbers.
Going to the wrong room is a very easy mistake to make. Write your room down. Double check it.
4. Don't forget to eat.
With so many books to buy, classrooms to find and people to see, it is easy to forget that you require food to live.
5. Someone probably has the same question you do.
"There are no dumb questions." Don't be scared to ask questions. Ask that stranger for directions, ask a professor to clarify, whatever. It's better to ask and be sure than to be silent and confused.
6. You don't have to dress up for the first day, but you can if you want to.
In high school, the first day of school was a HUGE DEAL. You had to show your crush how much cuter you got over the summer. In college, nobody cares. If you go to a big university, you might not see a single person you know on the first day. Wanna wear sweatpants as your Back to School outfit? Go for it.
7. Don't be late.
Being late on the first day sucks. Everyone will stare at you when you walk in. The professor has to stop their introductions to hand you a syllabus. Be on time, dude.
8. Bring something to take notes with.
While some professors truly do treat the first week as Syllabus Week, some prefer to hit the ground running and might even start teaching on the first day. Composition notebooks are your friend.
9. Call your parents.
While parents of seniors may not be as excited, your parents want to know how your first day was. How are the professors? What was exciting? Are you having a good time?
10. Put tissues in your backpack.
Gone are the days of a box of tissues in every class. Bring your own. Trust me.
11. Step out of your comfort zone.
No matter what year you are, this applies to everyone. Try to make a friend in every class. Start a study group. Talk to a professor during office hours. STEP OUT. College is a chance to do amazing things. Don't waste this opportunity.