11 Girls You'll Find In Every Sorority
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11 Girls You'll Find In Every Sorority

'Cause sisterhood is about coming together, even when you're different.

11 Girls You'll Find In Every Sorority
Kaila Smith

There's no doubt that sisterhood is a one of a kind type thing. I look at my sisters and I see so many different pathways of life, ways of thinking, and priorities. It's what makes sisterhood so special; the fact that you can be yourself around all these different people and they accept those differences about each other. Regardless, there are still so many different types of sorority girls. These types aren't limited to one person either. It is very possible to be a combination of two or even three descriptions.

1. The Basic

This is your pink, sparkly, and (most often) blonde sister. She's in love with all things pretty and would give her left arm to live in the Cinderella castle. Starbucks is her jam and her order is typically longer than your final term paper. She's much like Elle Woods or Sharpay Evans. Her attitude is always upbeat and she can find good in anyone. She's always around to listen cause she loves to try and make you days just as frilly and happy as hers.

2. The Bookworm

This is not the sister who is always studying, but rather, is the sister who is always reading a new book. She tells you all about it (because she knows you aren't going to read it) and she couldn't be more excited to share the plot with you. You can often find her in her room reading with a glass (or bottle) of wine. All that reading, however, does come in handy when you need a synopsis of a book you don't wanna read for class.

3. The Beauty Guru

She loves loves LOVES makeup. You never do your own makeup when she is around cause you know she won't approve. Some simple mascara and lippy would suffice for you, but to her you are not using your full potential. She brings her whole arsenal to every sleepover and plans on using it on every sister in the room. Her face is always beat for the gods and she knows it. Like, damn girl, where did you get that highlight?

4. The Gym Rat

This sister is always working out. During meetings you can find her doing lunges in the back. She's the one you go too when you really want to work on your body or your diet. She's always down for a new workout buddy and will bug you about it until you go with her. If you were ever stranded somewhere, she's the one you would take cause she is strong as hell. Her wardrobe consists of running shorts, letter shirts, and sports bras. Oh, and she's the sister that you secretly wish you could be; capable of working out, getting classwork done, and having a social life. She has it all.

5. The Wine Mom

This is your mom away from home. When that boy breaks your heart, you better believe that she's right there with a pint of ice cream and a bottle (or two) of your favorite wine. She will cut a bitch for you, but will also hold you while you cry. She's the best friend that you've ever had and one of the most inspirational persons you've ever met. Maybe it's the wine, but her refined and tasteful way handing hard situations makes her the best confidant to have.

6. The Vodka Aunt

She is quite the opposite of the wine mom, but still quite fun. Her way of handing unfortunate situations is to get drunk about it. She wants you to go out, forget about that boy, and have a crazy night. Her way of sympathy is handing you another shot. However, she's the sister who might actually cut someone for you. She's always got your back, rain or shine, day or night, drunk or sober. She is the one you want by your side.

7. The Mongoose

She is crazy. Not like literally crazy, but when this girl get some liquor in her she's not the same. You have no idea who this person is, but you like it. She's the one who convinces you to steal street signs or play chicken in the road. She is always down for a great time. If you don't wanna have a crazy night, it's okay, she'll still make sure that you have a night to remember, even if that means she drives around for hours while you leak out every tear, and life issue, you have. She might be a little crazy, but she's still one of a kind and you'd never give her up.

8. The Triple Major

This sister is always studying. If she's not studying, she's sleeping. If she's not doing one of those things, she's getting drunk. You can almost always find her in the library with a half full, cold, black coffee surrounded by stacks of books. Her life is a series of studying, sleeping, going to class, and then studying again. She's the one who will become a lawyer or a doctor. She's probably valedictorian and more than on the Dean's List. Somehow, she never fails to make time for you or your sisterhood.

9. The Naked One

She never has clothes on. This is the sister who walks around the house or apartment without any clothes on. It's pretty normal for her to go streaking and even more normal for her to flash people. She doesn't really care about if people see her "cause she's not afraid of her body". Her weekends usually end in her waking up on Monday, in Saturday's makeup, naked as the day she was born.

10. The "Free Spirit"

This particular sister enjoys an elevated state of mind. Her days are spent drawing, reading, and watching Netflix. Ultimately, she's the chill one. Her priorities are to sleep, eat, go to class, and smoke. She has no shame in her ways and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. She's so enlightened and can give some of the best advice that anyone has ever heard. Her way of looking at the world is so different and her appreciation for life around her is beautiful. She's the one you want to speak at your wedding.

11. The President

Lastly, there's the President. Somehow this sister gets everything done. She manages to keep her life together and makes sure that the sisterhood is moving along smoothly. Like a real life superhero, she seems to do the impossible. It's easily said that without her, your chapter would be dead. She's the heart and soul of what you look for in a sister; determined, smart, talented, organized, professional, and kind. She is what you wish to be, but she knows that you're just fine the way you are.

It may seem that all of these different personas wouldn't click together, but somehow most sororities pull it off with ease. After all, sisterhood is about acceptance. This kind of diversity and coming together of personalities is what I think sisterhood is all about. If you see these girls in your group, cherish them, never let them go, and never take them for granted. You'll make some of the best memories with these ladies. Give them the chance to change your life.

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