11 Cartoon Morals/Lessons To Live By
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11 Cartoon Morals/Lessons To Live By

Advice for adults in animated form.

11 Cartoon Morals/Lessons To Live By

All kids watch cartoons growing up, as do adults. I'm 22, and still watch cartoons. I believe that I've derived a lot of life lessons from many of the cartoons I watch. The concepts presented in kids shows apply to adulthood, and we don't recognize this until we are older. There are many TV shows that present these lessons, but listed below are 11 shows that I watched growing up and the lessons I obtained from them as an adult.

1. "Hey, Arnold!"

This show was one of my favorites growing up, and, watching it as an adult now, I realize that the show is a little more adult than I thought it was when I was younger. Many characters make sexual references and discuss more mature topics that kids do not comprehend. This concept doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the show though. In fact, it has brought to my attention that I am similar to Helga. She had the biggest crush on Arnold, which was borderline stalker, but that's besides the point. I see similarities between myself and Helga in her exterior personality. She was very aggressive and mean to people. She had an RBF (Resting Bitch Face) and she always looked pissed off, but underneath her tough exterior rested a compassionate person. This is where she and I are alike because I, too, have a RBF (or so I've been told) and my disposition is not the sunniest. Underneath all of that rests a compassionate person. So the moral that this show provides is "Don't judge a book by its cover."

2. "CatDog"

This show dealt with a lot of life lessons including bullying and crime, but the one moral that I took away from it is that siblings will always be there for you. Granted, this may not always be the case, but children are usually taught that siblings look out for one another. Yes, siblings bicker, but they band together when times get rough. When the world appears to be ending, they're always there. Cat and Dog were physically attached to each other, but their bond was still evident. They cared for one another, even though they fought all the time.

3. "Powerpuff Girls"

Girl Power. This show promotes that girls can be superheroes, just like boys can. They can do anything they set their mind to.

4. "Rocko's Modern Life"

This show always took a turn for the unexpected. The episode where Heffer went to Hell was priceless, but it's not that particular episode that I'm going to focus on. The moral of Rocko's Modern Life was that friends come in all shapes, sizes, and species. Rocko was a wallaby, Heff was a cow, and Filbert was a turtle. They were an interesting group for sure, but that's what makes them friends. My group of friends is very diverse, and being diverse is what the world needs. If we all could learn to acknowledge everyone for their differences, and praise those differences, we might live in a better world.

5. "Scooby Doo"

The moral of Scooby Doo is never split up in a horror movie situation. I don't know what Freddie was thinking when he said, "Let's split up, gang." That's probably the worst idea ever when you're in a haunted house with a potential homicidal maniac. I loved this show growing up, but watching it as an adult has made me realize that solving mysteries needs to be left up to the professionals in certain instances.

6. "The Flintstones"

The moral of this show is that marriage can be hard. For some undergrads, marriage is approaching. Thinking about how Fred and Wilma handled marital disputes seems a bit cliche; the man is always in the wrong and the woman is the one who accepts his apology after being wronged. This is not always the case in relationships. There will be times when both people are at fault and times when one or the other is responsible. It's not always a man's fault when arguments occur.

7. "The Wild Thornberrys"

This show taught me that having a sense of adventure is important, even more so as an adult. Entering the real world is hard, and we have to remember to have fun, to go on adventures. Adventures aren't just for kids. The world is out there and is meant to be explored.

8. "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh"

The character from this show that I want to focus on is Piglet. Piglet was a small, anxious character, but he shows us that no matter how small we are, we can all be courageous in our own ways.

9. "Recess"

Spinelli was the one character that I really connected with as a kid. She defied normal gender roles. Yes, she wore a dress, but she also wore a leather jacket and combat boots. She was tough and did what she thought was right. She taught me that it was OK to defy what society thinks as normal; being different is OK.

10. "Dexter's Laboratory"

Dexter taught us that being a nerd is awesome. He had his own secret lab and was super smart concerning science. Granted, I am not super smart when it comes to science, but I am extremely nerdy when it comes to English and Batman.

11. "Spongebob Squarepants"

If there's one thing to take away from Spongebob, it's that having an optimistic outlook makes life a little easier. Spongebob worked in a fast-food restaurant with only one co-worker, who complained the entire shift. I have worked in fast-food, and it's not easy. There are so many things that can turn your mood sour, which makes it harder to stay optimistic during the remainder of the shift. I wish I had had Spongebob's optimism during my time at Anonymous Establishment (I won't release the actual name of said fast-food restaurant). This concept applies to more than just work situations though. People should look for the good in all things. It might make life more enjoyable, and the world a bit brighter.

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