The biggest struggle about traveling somewhere other than home is trying to pack everything into as few suitcases as possible. A lot of people tend to over pack and it is such a pain to lug all those items around, but most items are considered a necessity. One thing that can learned so that you don't have to limit the amount of items you bring is to learn how to fit them into your suitcase.
Actress Rachel Grant, has mastered the art of packing a suitcase and now it is time for you to learn. In a mesmerizing video, the former Bond girl manages to pack five pairs of shoes, ten dresses, eight tops, and multiple other pieces of clothing into a carry-on. Sounds crazy, right? Not to her it's not. She manages to pack her suitcase with ease and even offers advice for us so that we can pack as efficiently as she does.
Some tips of hers is to use ziploc bags to compress clothing and to roll clothes instead of folding them to maximize space. She stuffs her shows with her socks to use up more space and also to keep the shoes in shape. She rubberbands the shoes and socks to keep them together. The clothing on the rack is lightweight fabrics which is easy to pack because they are very thin. She puts the majority of her clothes into packing cubes which keeps the clothes organized in the suitcase. This is a well-known tip, but put heavier items on the bottom so that your lighter items don't get smushed.
Check it out for yourself below!