Syllabus week can always be a difficult time, no matter what year you are. Everyone has their own ways of pushing through this rough week. Here are my top ten ways of surviving syllabus week.
1. Decide What Kind of a Student You Want to Be
If you know that you are walking into five different classrooms full of people you do not know in a matter of one week, plan ahead. Plan what classes you want to speak up in and which ones you can escape from easily if you decide to drop it. Know ahead of time what kind of a student you want to be. If your new classmates know you from day one as the person who speaks up, you will be seen that way for the rest of the semester so be prepared for the first impressions you make during syllabus week.
2. Talk to someone new
Even if talking to someone new is terrifying for you, try to do so at least once during syllabus week. Everyone is nervous to start new classes with new professors; you are not the only one feeling that way. All the other students in that classroom will be there for the entire semester, so get to know who you sit beside. Who knows, you may even do a group project with them and become friends outside of the classroom.
3. Make Sure your phone is charged
The easiest way to mentally escape a situation is by checking your phone. Maybe not the most mature way of handling it, but it is something we all do anyway. Make sure you charge your phone every night before class so that you can easily escape those awkward moments before class starts when you are sitting in a room full of people you do not know.
4. Check out the syllabus ahead of time
Most professors will put their syllabus online the week before syllabus week begins. If you are like me and get nervous or anxious before things like this, it could be helpful to check it out before going to class. You will already know what the professor is going to go over in class and feel more confident walking into that new classroom.
5. Find your classrooms a day early
If your school lets you move in the weekend before classes start, use that time to your advantage. Rather than having to ask someone where a classroom is while running late to class, write down all of your classroom numbers and find them before syllabus week even starts. You will not only avoid having to ask a stranger for help, but you will also get a few extra minutes of sleep since you will be sure of where you are going in the morning.
6. Make yourself a playlist
Whether it is the night before, walking to class, or in between classes, music always helps calm my nerves. Make yourself a playlist of your favorite songs to listen to when you are nervous or feeling stressed about syllabus week.
7. Meet up with friends from last semester
Nothing helps more than being able to hang out with friends and just chill in the midst of syllabus week. Plan something for the first week of classes with all of your friends from last semester. Whether it is a movie night, game night, a dance party, or just getting coffee, having something to look forward to with familiar people can make the week go by a lot faster.
8. Get enough sleep
I know it is practically impossible to ever get enough sleep in college. However, with the stress of having to meet a ton of new people and look presentable to your new professors, it is important to get enough sleep. Plan a sleep schedule, even if you do not stick to it every day. Take time for yourself before bed and just unwind so you can survive syllabus week without a breakdown.
9. Use the buddy system
Everything is easier with a friend. Along with posting their syllabus online the week before syllabus week, professors usually post their class list as well. Check it out. If you recognize some names on that list, make plans to walk to class together or if you are running there from another class, ask them to save you a seat. Meeting new people is a lot easier when you already know one of them.
10. Countdown
Make yourself a countdown. Plan something fun to do the weekend after syllabus week and count down to it. Even if that plan is just a little extra Netflix time, having something to look forward to will make the week fly by. Before you know it, syllabus week will be over and you will have survived it like a champ.