With the school year starting up, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of homework, friends, projects, and parties. No matter who you are, everyone gets overwhelmed or does things that are not always the best for them. Here are 10 ways you can care for yourself and ensure that you are always putting your mental health first.
1. Drink water
You may not think you have a problem with drinking water, but almost everyone does. We don’t drink enough water because we might not feel particularly thirsty or because we’re drinking something else. And that’s fine! Just don’t let water be forgotten. Water refreshes and reenergizes you, and the often given “8x8” advice shouldn’t be taken so lightly.
2. Take a night off
If your assignment isn’t due until next week, it’s okay to start it tomorrow. If you don’t feel like going out and just want to curl up with some snacks and Netflix, do that. If you have way too much to do and not enough hours in the day to do them, skip the gym. Breaking from a routine or turning down an invitation to gain some peace of mind is never a negative thing. If it helps you, it’s worth it.
3. Go to sleep
If your eyes are heavy and you’re contemplating making a fourth cup of coffee to stay up and finish studying/doing an assignment, go to sleep. It’s not worth staying up all hours of the night only to put out work that you did while half asleep. Everyone needs a healthy amount of sleep in order to feel fresh and prepared for the day ahead. Late nights may help you in the time department, but not in terms of having enough energy or feeling good about the work you did.
4. Plan ahead
Spontaneous plans can be fun and split decisions can sometimes be the right decisions. However, to keep your sanity intact and your patience level high, plan out when you are going to do work, when you are going to go out, and when you are going to go to the gym. This gives you a sense of structure and stability in your life and schedule. Try not to deviate from your schedule.
5. Don’t deny yourself the simple pleasures
Wear that dress to class. Light that fancy candle. Use that gift card. Eat five Oreos. Denying yourself simple pleasures in life is not a form of discipline. It’s okay to do things that make you happy for no reason other than that. Allow yourself to take joy in the little things.
6. Indulge every now and then
Allow yourself to take joy in the big things, too. If you’ve been eyeing that new restaurant that just opened, but know it’s not the cheapest place, go eat there. You deserve to do things for yourself and reward yourself. As long as taking a 45 minute bubble bath and opening a bottle of wine only adds, and doesn’t interfere, with your quality of life, remind yourself that it’s okay to indulge.
7. Speak your mind
Being honest with yourself and other people can be surprisingly refreshing. Holding in thoughts and ideas, no matter what they are, make you feel restrained and like you don’t have the freedom to express yourself. But surprise! You do. Be proud of your thoughts and your ability to share them with others.
8. Eat healthy
While dieting may not be for everybody and cutting Insomnia Cookies out of your life may be completely out of the question, try to eat on the healthier side when you can. It will make you look and feel better. That doesn’t mean eating salad when you hate salad. But be aware of what your food is made of and try to eat healthier alternatives. Even making small alterations to what you eat can make a difference. Getting grilled chicken instead of fried in your wrap or putting vegetable spread instead of butter on your bagel, for example.
9. Be your own best friend
Think of your best friends. Think of how they talk to you and treat you. Think of all the support and compliments they give you. Think of how they always want to make you the happiest you can be. Now treat yourself that way. If you find yourself being negative towards yourself or self-destructive, think: is this how my best friend would treat me? No. You wouldn’t be friends with that person if it were. Treat yourself well.
10. Feel your emotions
All of your emotions, no matter what they are, are valid. Allow yourself to feel them. If you are feeling loving that day, call the people you love and let them know. If you’re feeling sad, cry. If you’re feeling angry, find a healthy way to take your anger out on something. Your feelings are real and should be treated as such. Don’t try to tamp down your emotions. They are valid and they must be felt. Repressing emotions is never good.