When planning a bachelorette party, it’s crucial to keep in mind the basics to avoid a Bridesmaids-esque fiasco from occurring. Here are some tips and tricks for planning the best bachelorette party ever.
1. Reserve a location ahead of time (and then have a backup plan).
Your best bet when getting your gal pals together in one location is to reserve a “gathering space,” or a suite-like hotel room for everyone to meet up. And just in case, you may want to consider a backup location you know will have an open room in the event of a lost reservation, or in the event that your hotel looks like something from Amityville Horror.
2. Make a GroupMe or Facebook group (or both!)
To ensure everyone is on the same page with dates, times, locations and activities, create a group where you are positive everyone will respond. If not, everyone has Facebook, make a GroupMe or a group text to ensure everyone is up to speed.
3. Divide up funds.
Throwing a kick-butt bachelorette party doesn’t technically mean you have to break the bank. Kindly ask for a small donation from everyone to be able to buy drinks, snacks and a gift for the bride. (Truth is, if they aren’t willing to donate a small amount to the bride’s special weekend, they probably shouldn’t be in attendance anyway).
4. Secure the funds in advance.
Make sure if you are asking for a donation of some kind, you secure the funds in advance in order to get all of the snacks, drinks and inappropriate décor needed for a stellar bach party adventure!
5. Have fun — but don’t go overboard.
If you’re hosting a bachelorette party, you’re in charge of keeping everyone together and functional. Make sure you set limits for yourself on how much you’re going to drink so you can keep everyone together, especially if you’re in a big city.
6. Make reservations!
Calling ahead and making a reservation is a sure fire way you can get the girls together in one location and not spend your weekend shuffling around between restaurants.
7. Make time for getting to know everyone.
Make sure your schedule for the weekend isn’t too jam packed. You want the chance to be able to get to know everyone involved in the bachelorette party — and especially if they’re also members of the bridal party. Share your favorite memories involving the bride and introduce yourself to everyone and tell them how you and the bride met!
8. Take pictures — a lot of them.
The bride will want pictures to document the weekend. Get as many pictures as you can and send them in the Facebook group or your group text!
9. Ask the bride what she wants/needs.
The bachelorette party should be a reflection of the bride’s perfect weekend with all of her girlfriends. Ask her ahead of time what she wants to do, who she wants there, where she wants to eat and what kind of theme she’s going for. Nailing down the logistics ahead of time will make for a smooth weekend!
10. Enjoy yourself!
Planning ahead of time will ensure you will have a great time with your girlfriends celebrating the bride-to-be. Enjoy it!