"I found this great guy that I think would be perfect for you!"
This isn't the first time that you have heard this.. Gotta keep your hopes up. Maybe, dating isn't such a bad thing? It can't hurt... Hopefully you'll at least get a fancier meal than your microwave dinners, right?
1. You arrive at the restaurant and it's time to just tell yourself on repeat...
2. "What are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun?"
You probably should tell the truth, but that might scare him away. Casually smile and say, "I love to work out, and watch movies with my friends."
3. Wow! They already ordered for me! I love someone that can take control. Wait, what, is this a salad?
I am sorry, but I am not a rabbit, and I do not wish to eat plants. Where's my steak? Maybe, I don't want someone to take control.
4. Aw, they want to feed me. How cute!
Isn't this supposed to be like one of those romantic comedies? No, it's awkward and they missed my mouth. They can stop trying anytime now.
5. "Are you looking for something serious? Do you want kids? What are your thoughts on marriage?"
You can't handle this right now. This a first date. You're just gonna smile and laugh like this is a joke.
6. "I'm just ready to fall in love with someone, right now."
Can it get worse? Is it ever going to stop? You're ready to eat a large meal by yourself, right now. That is what love is.
7. It's almost dessert time, here we go. Nope, they are now saying that they want the check. Hello, you are not done yet.
First, you have to eat like a rabbit, and now you are getting restricted from your favorite part of the menu. This is not going as planned.
8. Their car smells like a mix of a dirty gym bag, and month old rotten garbage.
Why didn't you order an Uber? OK, just roll down a window. Nope, window is broken and is not going down.
9. "I had a great night. Thanks!"
Exit the car as quickly as possible. You sprint to the door, phew, who knew you were a track star? Wait, the car is still here... and so are they.
10. They lean in for a hug, a kiss, or some form of physical contact.
Nice try, but there is no way. Here you go into the friend zone.
Maybe, next time.