10 Things To Do When You're Single On V-day | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Do When You're Single On V-day

Happy single-awareness day.

10 Things To Do When You're Single On V-day
Bare Foot Floor

We all know that time of year; when pink and red start to take over grocery stores, and huge sections of heart-shaped chocolate and teddy bears find their place where Christmas and Halloween decorations once dwelled...Valentine's Day has arrived. There are three types of people when it comes to Valentines Day. There are the ones that embrace the love and doilies; the grandmothers, the moms and the (barf) happy-sappy couples. There are those that remain indifferent to Valentines day, these usually being the people that refuse to accept it as a real holiday. And finally, there are the people that dread Valentines Day; the single people that are forced to accept how single they are on a day filled with roses, proposals and Valentine's Day dates. If you find that you're the latter of the three, stay tuned for some ways to have fun on this Hallmark holiday without a bae.

1. Have a girls night. Make fun of all the sappy couples with your single friends. There's nothing a little girl time and gossip can't fix.

2. Treat yourself. Have a spa day and pamper yourself, get a massage, do your nails and release all that negative anti-Valentine's Day energy.

3. Be your own Valentine. Go max out your credit card at the mall or splurge on that really cute dress you've been wanting.

4. Get active. While all those couples are out gorging on chocolate, champagne and steak, go burn off some calories at the gym. Come swimsuit season you'll thank the gods you were single.

5. Share the love. Send your other single friends a valentine or a cute text, it will help remind you of all the special people in your life.

6. Have a party. Having fun with other people will take your mind off your "forever-alone" status.

7. Have an ex-purge. Burn that old ratty t-shirt you still have or play darts with his picture. Maybe it will help remind you of why you're happy you're single today.

8. Go see a movie. I'm not talking a Nicholas Sparks film that will most likely make you feel even worse about your relationship status, or a Zac Efron movie with a Valentine's Day plot line. Avoid the V-day all together here, see a comedy or even a nice slasher film.

9. Go out with a friend or even someone you've been wanting to get to know better. There's no reason being single should stop you from getting all glammed up and enjoying a nice dinner.

10. Ignore it. Valentine's Day is just another day in the year, so treat it as one. Put on some pajamas, hop in bed and spend some quality time with your real bae, Netflix.

No matter what you do, don't get lost in all the hype. You survived being single before Valentine's Day, and you will continue to survive it after.

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