10 Things To Be Thankful For Each Day
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Health and Wellness

10 Things To Be Thankful For Each Day

You will always find life lurking in the little moments.

10 Things To Be Thankful For Each Day

1. Health

Wake up and realize how fortunate you are to breathe, blink, and have your health. You are able to get out of bed on two feet and begin a day with all the possibilities you could ever dream. Sure, you may have a cold or be feeling a little under the weather, but in time you will feel rejuvenated once again. And even in those times, you are fortunate to be alive and still carry out daily functions with merely a sniffle here and a cough there.

2. Family

Everyone has one. Whether they are biological or not, we've all got our tribe. Some are more dysfunctional than others, but I'd like to believe that we all have at least one or two people who love us very much. Who have seen us grow and who have rooted for us all along the way. These are the ones to keep close and the ones to never let pride or ego get in the way of.

3. Food on your table

Some people wake up and are not sure if or when they will eat. And I think I am right in assuming that most, if not all, people reading this do not have that worry. Be thankful for a full stomach, filled with nutrients and energy that enable us to survive, thrive, and live out our best lives because this vital physical need is met. Not everyone in every part of the world is this lucky.

4. A good night’s rest

There is nothing better than awakening in a cozy bed to take on the day ahead of you. A good night's rest and a nice breakfast will do more for you than a huge cup of coffee ever will. Focus on prioritizing your time so that you may get to bed a decent time and remove yourself from the constant cycle of little rest and exhausting days. And always take a nap when you are able to!

5. The roof above your head

As it gets colder outside and we move closer toward winter, think of how amazing it is to have a place to call home. To have a warm house, apartment, condo, etc. where you can retreat to. You have a place to bundle up, escape the cold, and read an article such as this one. You are not on the street, and you are not suffering a cold night alone. There is a lot to be said for the four walls and roof that protect you from the war raging outside.

6. Sunshine

Not everyone has the same opinion about sunny or rainy days. But I believe that it's hard for anyone to be unhappy when they sun is hanging high in the sky. When it shines its light, illuminating your path both physically and metaphorically, it adds an extra spring to your step. And if it isn't sunny, you know it won't be too long before the clouds must break and make way for it again.

7. Education

Yes, I mean the experience of college education where one can learn from textbooks, professors, peers, mentors, and more. There is so much knowledge to be gained, and wisdom to be earned. But, this goes further than simply a college education from a university which costs money. Education is everywhere. In every person, you meet, every place you go, and every moment you find yourself living in. You can learn with each step you take, as long as you realize that fact and are ready for the truths that may reveal themselves to you.

8. Ability to create

At any moment in any way, you are able to use your mind, hands, and creativity to bring something new to life. An idea, a drawing, a thought, a movement. You have in your power an opportunity to open the eyes of others and to show them a different way to view the world. Take a photo, write a poem, and express yourself. There are no limitations.

9. A warm hug

Find someone you love. Wrap your arms around them and pull them close into your embrace. There are few things as comforting and reciprocal as a good, warm hug. For a second, a minute, a moment.. all worries, fears, and stress melt away as you breathe out a sigh of relief into the other person's chest. Hold onto that feeling long after it is gone, and hug people as often as you can. It is a beautiful and mutually beneficial act that is sure to make you feel thankful for those that are close to you in your life.

10. A hearty laugh

Lastly, what could be more freeing than that deep hearty laugh that comes from your very core and is impossible to stop? I love those belly laughs that make up for every bit of fake nervous laughter that has ever escaped your lips. The feeling of laughing so hard that you are momentarily unable to breathe and that makes your eyes water is unmatched. I like to believe that the most important parts of life are these moments strung together by the struggles and monotony that make them all the more amazing.

There is so much to be thankful for. There are big things, but these are the small ones that will happen much more frequently. The big ones are important, but don't let your life pass you by without appreciating the everyday occurrences that are what truly make you happy and fulfilled.

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