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You are loved.


If you have a little sister than you know what it is like to have eyes on you at all times. Having a little sister doesn't seem like such a big blessing until you are packing up the last of your stuff and getting ready to go off to college. I watched the tears flow from my sister's eyes the day I got my acceptance letter to The University of South Dakota. She tried everything in her power to get me to stay. She would save some of her candy for me, leaving a note by the 6 some pieces left that said "Only for Maddy"; she would text me every time I would leave for practice "Please don't go to college." It was torture, but like this little girl will learn, she played a huge role in my choice to go to college. Now that I am a junior in college I have decided there are 10 important things I want my little sister to remember, as she becomes a woman.

1. Always Love Yourself

Even when you feel like you can't anymore, you can. And never be embarrassed to admit that you love yourself. I did not give up my nice big bedroom upstairs to live in the basement so that you could feel bad for yourself. Strong women raise strong women and my dear you have one strong mom followed by strong aunts and one hard working grandmother. And if you ever feel ugly just tell dad, he will always let you know "you're too beautiful to cry". There will be girls that will laugh at you when you say you love yourself but trust me when I say it is only because they are still learning how to do it themselves.


I know.

It's annoying. Believe me, I have thought of every situation, the outcome is always the same. That boy your mom says is bad news is bad news and if she says bangs is bad idea than they are a bad idea. If dad says, "trust me", trust him he was a stupid boy once upon a time before he met mom.


You've seen how many times I have lied to mom and dad.

You've seen it because I have never gotten away with it. Mom knows, she always knows. And if mom finding out every time you lie isn't bad enough dad is going to hit you with the "It just makes me sad that you would lie to me". Yeah, and he may even shake his head, yeah, you will cry. SO DON'T DO IT.

(I have only gotten away with a lie one time. Mom, one time sophomore year I said I was staying at Eliza's...well I did but before that I got us lost in Worthington, Minnesota. We were supposed to visit friends; well couple missed exits later we weren't in Iowa anymore. I didn't know how to tell you so here it is. Now I feel better.)

4. High school is only four years.

Some days you may cry in the bathroom because that nasty girl told the cute boy you stuffed your bra one time in the 8th grade. Some days you'll cry in the bathroom because your friend Eliza is recapping one of your many inside jokes. Some days you're going get A's and some days you will get C's. Some days you'll find out you got the part in the play you wanted, some days you will find out you didn't make the "A" team.

But everyday you will find happiness in the people you surround yourself with. Don't waste your time there. Take those four years to make mistakes and learn from them. Makes as many memories as you can with the people you want to.

5. Family first

Even though your older brother seems like a jerk, he loves you and one day he is going to threaten a young man's life because no man will ever be good enough for you. Dad still wants to hear about your day even though you left the door open while the air was on. Mom expects so much from you because she knows you are capable. And Grandma really does remember your name, we have all been called by three different names before she gets it right, cut her some slack we all look the same. Uncle Mark is going to tell your embarrassing stories, he teaches you to laugh at yourself, you need it, trust me. Aunt Julie is going to always want to get lunch, appreciate that time you spend with her. Aunt Rachael enjoys baking with you before Christmas Eve, listen to her, she has advice you don't even realize you need until you need it. Do not take every holiday you have with them for granted. We all love you.


Girl, let me tell you.

Don't let mom fool you, she's been there. Your cousin has been there. Your aunts have been there. I have been there.

I hope you never experience heartbreak. If you do, well if you do then I pray for that young boy, he has no idea. But seriously, no boy is worth crying over. Life really does go on. No you do not need to change your hair color. No she is not prettier.

Listen, I wasted time on boys and all you can do is avoid them till your 20.

Don't laugh, boys mature later than we do. If you do find someone before then just remember number 1. LOVE YOURSELF.

Mom didn't spend one of the hottest days of the summer in labor so you could waste time chasing a boy because he can catch a football.

7. You Have To Live With Yourself

Back in high school I almost didn't choose the college I did because it was "too close" to home. Being close is ok. Being far is ok. I love my life and college has played a huge role in that. You have nothing to prove, choose a school that is going to benefit you the most. Any decision you have to make about your life is your own. So you don't like basketball? Don't play. You like drawing? Join the Art Club. You want to act on Broadway? Go. Do whatever that heart desires because they don't call it a "calling" for nothing. People will judge you regardless; let them find their own way.

8. Education Is Power.

The more you know.

You're only 11 and mom is already talking about what you want to be when you are older. This because it is closer than you think. That is not scary, it is exciting! Don't be lazy in school, start good study habits now. Actually read Hamlet because Spark notes only has so much to offer you. You will go to college or out into the work force having to learn. You will need to actually learn what it means to pay taxes.

And yes you will have to take geometry at some point; no you will not use anything you learn from it. Yes, it is frustrating.

9. Be Safe

I know I know it seems like Mom's fear of you being abducted is irrational.

Its not. Women go missing everyday. Listen to her. Be safe. When you get into high school do not sneak out late at night because that girl from your English class is having a bonfire. When you get to college do not be the drunkest girl at the party. Use your best judgment, not that you wont hear the million of statistics mom tells you that you’re pretty sure she makes up half of the time. The small town you live in now may not seem scary but then you watch Law and Order: SVU for two days straight and get mad that you were born a female.

I know, life right. But honestly, you have so many who care about you, don't be careless.


Never be afraid to come to me. You get an A on a paper I want to know. You get mad at mom, I want to know. You get bullied at school, I want to know. You get asked out on a date, I want to know. You want me somewhere I will be there. You need advice I will be there.

I will always be your most honest, loyal and loving friend. You make me proud everyday, that will never change. You taught me what it meant to be a role model.

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