If I could go back and share some of the things I've learned (from experience and other people) over the years with my 10-year-old self, this is probably what I'd want to say:
1. Take more risks
It took me until I turned 16 years old to finally realize that with great risk comes great reward. I have always been more on the cautious side when it comes to risky situations. I wish I had taken more chances up until now, like telling someone exactly how I felt, or just doing something daring.
2. Don't let failure stop you
Failure doesn’t actually mean you’ve lost the fight. It simply serves as a learning experience that you can use in the future. I wish I had been more of a warrior, and dusted myself off after falling down more often.
3. The past has passed
Learning to let things go is one of the most useful skills I have ever learned. There is nothing you are going to do that will change the past. You can either sit around dreading it, or accept it and move on. Instead of holding onto a grudge and letting the problem fester, do something about it. Bottling it up inside can only hurt yourself.
4. Not everyone is going to like you
This one took me a while to really remember; there will be people who find any excuse not to like you, and you may not be able to change their mind. But their opinion of you is none of your business. Don’t let that stop you from being yourself. The only person’s opinion of you that matters is you. If I could have remembered this more frequently, it may not have taken me so long to find people who just love me as I am.
5. Be kind
Kindness goes so far. There will be a point where being brooding and hateful towards the world is trendy, but try not to succumb to it. I dropped the act before my second year of high school, and my heart is a lot happier. Being nice benefits everyone, so keep a positive attitude.
6. It's okay to say no
It is perfectly okay to say no to something you’re not comfortable doing- and I don’t mean saying no to something your parents asked of you. I mean doing something or going somewhere with which you’re unfamiliar. The worst thing in the world was getting walked all over because I didn’t know how to say no.
7. Celebrate the little things
Small victories are so important. Sometimes just getting out of bed is an accomplishment. You will learn that when you start looking at everything in a better light, your whole perspective on life will change. Celebrate it all.
8. Stop comparing yourself to others
There will always be someone you find more attractive, smarter, and more talented than yourself. None of that is important. One of my biggest regrets is not accepting myself earlier on and learning to love myself. It is a huge step in life, and a step in the right direction.
9. Don't take everything personally
This one is tough. You have to stop thinking everyone is just trying to offend you, because they’re not. Even if someone has malicious intent, if you don’t let it affect you, it cannot hurt you.
10. Take a minute to yourself
It is totally normal to need to take a moment amidst your busy schedule and just breathe. I still need a continuous reminder to take a step back and calm down; it helps you clear your head and get yourself a little more organized.
I can’t change how I was in the past, as I've said before; I can only use this as a guide to change what’s ahead.
Here’s to the future.