10 Things Every College Student Needs For A "Sickie" Kit
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10 Things Every College Student Needs For A "Sickie" Kit

Be prepared for cold and flu season!

10 Things Every College Student Needs For A "Sickie" Kit

Getting sick sucks...

College students are often focused on school, work and what the next meal is going to be. We often don't take the time to prepare for things like getting sick.

Luckily, my parents taught me how to concoct the perfect kit and buy it in advance so that I am prepared for a sudden cold or flu attack.

Here is a list of 10 items in no particular order that can help you make a speedy recovery.

1. Tea & Honey


Tea is $3 to $5 per box of 20 tea bags.

Honey is $5.


Hot tea helps sooth a sore throat, loosen up mucus for a cough, hydrate and help with relaxation.

What I like to buy:

My newest favorite is from Kroger, and it is called "Honey Lemon Ginsing Green Tea." it tastes amazing and seems to really help my cough. Also, if you can't tell from the picture, I am obsessed with trying different brands of jasmine green tea, so far my favorite brand has been Mighty Leaf, with Numi as the runner up.

2. Lots of Tissue Boxes

Price: $1 at Kroger for their brand. Overall, price depends but tissues are usually inexpensive.

Use: When you are sick, you are not going to want to run out of tissues! Make sure to have at least two back-up boxes to last through the entire sickness.

3. Emergen-C

Price: $5 at Kroger, or if you buy in bulk at Costco, it can cost $20.

Use: Do I even need to explain why this is useful?

Vitamin C has many uses, including helping the immune system fight a cold.

I prefer to put only an inch or two of water in a cup and put two packets of the stuff to make a shot and just gulp it down. Also, I did not know this at first but it has to be taken with food. I unfortunately had to learn this from experience. So, do not take on an empty stomach!

4. Cough Drops

Price: $1 to $3 for a bag.

Use: It helps suppress a cough and soothes the throat.

5. DayQuil & NyQuil (I prefer the pills, but you can always get the liquid)

Price: $10 per box, $20 total.

Use: It's a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant. It also helps you sleep at night and not feel absolutely miserable during the day.

6. Hand Sanitizer

Price: $1 or so depending on where you buy it.

Use: It can be used in between hand washing, when you're on the go or when you need to fight germs in a hurry.

7. Face Mask

Price: $5 to $10 depending on where you buy one.

Use: I had to use this last night because I had a fever and headache. I put it on as I waited for my NyQuil and Ibuprophen to properly kick in. I felt instant relief when putting this on. You can store it in the fridge or freezer, or you can heat it up in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds for a hot version.

8. Soup (that doesn't require a can opener), Saltines, bowls and spoons

Price: Less than $2 per soup, $3 for saltine box and you can buy bowls and spoons at a dollar store or Walmart for pretty cheap!

Use: The warm soup soothes a cough, your throat and hydrates. I find it incredibly comforting. Plus, who wants to cook when they're sick? These just require you to lift a tab, pour into a bowl, microwave for 3 minutes and then enjoy a piping hot bowl of soup!

9. Ibuprofen

Price: About $3.

Use: Headache and fever reducer. I will often use this when my DayQuil or NyQuil doesn't completely get rid of a headache or fever.

10. Water Bottle

Price: This is both an investment, and in my case a gift for Christmas. It was around $50. Of course, feel free to just use a plastic water bottle, but I really prefer having a metal one that keeps my water cool and will definitely not leak. I also prefer straws when I am sick so that is a realy nice feature.

Use: Hydration. The more liquid you consume when you are sick, the more your body can flush out your system.

I am actually currently sick while writing this article and wanted to share my wisdom so that other students can perhaps buy things in advance and be prepared.

I know that when you are already sick it is too late. You won't want to go do anything and get these things. So prepare in advance so that when the cold or flu does hit, you are ready to fight back.

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