10 Things College Kids Did Not know They Would Still Need Their Parents for
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10 Things College Kids Did Not know They Would Still Need Their Parents for

When in doubt- Parent it out. MOM! DAD!

10 Things College Kids Did Not know They Would Still Need Their Parents for

Oh the parents. We love them and sometimes we just want them to stand out in the sun a little longer and get just a little burnt. Stress is a funny thing, as is our pre-teen , teenage and even early adult years. But, do we really ever stop needing our parents? Day by day we stop and question whether we are doing something right, wonder if we have forgotten something, or perhaps just know we need a better outlook on a situation. When in doubt, parent your way out!

1) Laundry

We have all had that moment were we make the mistake of not knowing what certain fabrics cannot be washed/ dried a certain way. Oh how disappointed we are when we take out our cotton shirts and they have shrunk two sizes, and the mini panic attack when that stupid stain is still on the outfit we were trying to wear tonight! What do you mean we can't just put the load size and the high number on the dial, along with some soap and turn it on? My parent always made it look so easy!

2) Financial Crisis

Nothing ruins a good day like receiving that heart stopping call saying, "your (insert financial bill) is due at (absurd time & date) ". But what is worse is trying to find out who to send it to and how. Social security? Oh yeah, that's the 9-digit code thing right? "Just a moment let me call ... " .What proves to be even worse is when you lose/misplace your credit/debit card. What do you mean I can't just cancel it? I didn't spend money on that! How does one even apply for Fraud? Probably a good time to call the parents. They have years of experience, probably the best accountants you know.

3)Appointment and Organization

*Alarm goes off*-10 missed phone calls. AAW MAN-forgot my doctors appointment, breakfast date, AND to take out the trash! I am pretty sure I had a better sense of time when my mom told me my schedule before I went to school in the morning! Things were so much easier, wait, what is a planner?


Sunday Funday ! Sure guys I will go to the movie and eat dinner with y'all! *gets ready to swipe card* Access denied. We have all had that moment where we need just a couple more dollars and that weekly allowance has stopped coming through- and as broke college kids- we need that cushion of support. Although we live alone and away from the parents-we are not independently financially stable. Remember that next tine you start a go-go-go trend. I'm beginning to wonder how my parents always found fun cheap things to do. Is there an app for that?

5)GOOD food. A.K.A Home cooked meals.

You have got to be kidding. Pizza and Sloppy Joes AGAIN. As if the cafeteria food could be any better than sub par EVER. I remember at home that homemade lasagna and that green bean casserole! Can't get better than that- looks like I am gaining ten pounds for thanksgiving!


"Hurry Hurry! They will be here in 10 minutes! Just throw everything in the closet-just pull my sheets up and throw the pillows up there!" Don't deny- we have all done this prior to a friend/ group / significant other coming over. Face it- we don't clean unless we have to. At least our parents saved us a few judgments and heart attacks with making the back-bedroom-that-nobody-is-going-into clean (A commonly used argument by teens who's parents have company coming over to have dinner, IN THE KITCHEN). Guess it's all in routine huh? Guests=Clean.

7)Couponing and Grocery Shopping

Well, since the cafeteria has failed again- guess we are stuck with Ramen and pizza rolls. Gets to the counter after getting the 'necessities' , "Alright that'll be $65.97.." . Since when? My mom bought the same stuff for me at home, and it was less than that! I mean I only bought like two extra things? Guess those Sundays my parents made the grocery list and cut out those 'awful and unnecessary' coupons, actually were well constructed. Taking notes now. So, explain it to me again, I can use this coupon TWICE and get more?

8) G.P.A

How did I only make a 58? I studied for four hours the night before- that's long enough right? Besides my daily grades are all 100 so I should pass. WRONG. Remember all those nights in High School your parents asked If you had any homework- and then wouldn't let you do anything else until it was presented in front of them? Or when you had a test and they made you give them the review as they asked every question a bazillion times? So annoying right? Well, In college, you no longer have someone making you do your homework, now you have to study on your own AND know when you can socialize. Sure would be nice to have that little push again. I would take 'annoying' over 'stressing'.


"Well She's done it again folks- another straight 48 hours without sleep studying for test, and now she is off to the movies and possibly later a party and .."- just stop right there...What happened to a curfew? I always thought curfews were unnecessary, until a curfew was the only thing ensuring I got plenty of sleep. And even better, the built in alarm clock that came with it so I wouldn't sleep the day away and would be on time! Oh yes - those were the days. Dear sleep- I miss you.

10) Reassurance and Support

There's no denying how big of a change life is when you leave your grade school years to go to the big College/University way of living. All of a sudden, you make your own decisions and life choices- and although being out of the house and being on your own had its perks- there comes a times where you will struggle, be stressed, or just point blank run into trouble. But although you failed a test, you no longer have that 'summer bod', and your friends decided you are no longer invited, remember that your parents are your biggest fans. They believe in you and your success -they will always be rooting for you and be there to pick you up when you fall. Haven't they always been?

Needless to say, our parents do and take care of so many things we have to do that we did not even know were there until they started "treating us like adults", (common comeback from a high school student about to go to college). Face it, we need our parents in ways we didn't recognize before college, now we have them on speed dial to call when we mess up. Remember that they are always there for you. Whether it be to complain, ask a question, or just to have someone ensure you you're going to be okay- so, :"Would you like to phone a friend for help?" , "No, I'd like to call my parents."

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